United Heroes

On September 11, 2001 the world witnessed one of the most horrific criminal acts in human history.

We lost many great people that day, and many people exhibited great heroism. Other important memorials are being created to honor these heroes. This memorial is devoted specifically to the people of United Flight 93 who courageously took control of their destiny and stopped the terrorists from using their plane as another weapon.

Please help us remember these 40 individuals and what they did for us.

  • Tammie Filo - volunteer firefighter who helped clean up the site. God bless those that helped with the plane wreck. The victims and families of flight 93 are still in my prayers.

  • Demetri Vagalatos El Paso TEXAS. God Bless the Heroes.

  • Alberta Clipper. You will never be forgotten! May your rest with peace in God's Arms.

  • Julie Randall. May we never forget 09-11-01.

  • Marti Engel. You taught a new generation the meaning of "Hero". Thank you.

  • Karen Correira. Medford, NY ~ You all gave your lives to save countless other lives, God Bless you all, and keep you!

  • anonymous2. We are doing a paper on bravery and we thought you may like to know that we all consider them heroes.

  • Matt Fries. Pathologist, Baltimore MD

  • Tammy Oliver. Always know in your hearts these people had tremendous courage and compassion.

  • Patrick Roberts. Why did this happen to us?

  • Patrick, Iowa. They are an inspiration to us all - may God bless them and their loved ones.

  • patricia, missouri. prayers are with you and yours

  • Diana, Illinois. The song says, "the land of the free, and the home of the brave" words those on flt.93 lived by.

  • M.Allen. My heart goes out to the families of these courageous men and women.

  • PSONE. God Bless America

  • May God Bless, Judy.

  • Keith Blocker. My family is praying for all the families... God bless you all!!!

  • Judy Koons, Evansville, In. Keep looking towards the Heavens, for there lies your greatest strength.

  • Marie Alan. God bless everyone.

  • Teresa Henricks King. My sympathy to the families & friends. My gratitude to your loved ones for preserving our freedom!


  • MARK AND YVETTE D. FROM MASS. We love you all for your act of heroism. We will never forget you. May God bless you and your family

  • Sarah Torrey. i think of you all every single day.

  • leslie lewis torrey. i am a female officer; 18 yr veteran in texas. thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • anonymous - CA. your courage will never be forgotten

  • Robert & Carolyn Mitchell. Idaho

  • Mike Finney. To our heroes, their families and friends: By God's side you now stand.

  • Zack messer. god bless the people of flight 93

  • Anna Cain. Baltimore, Maryland

  • anonymous. God Bless all the families, your losses were our nations gain. THANK YOU

  • Bill Cantrell. Draftsman, business owner - Birmingham, AL ... Live free or die!

  • Tamara Dorso. They were all heroes and will never be forgotten. Love to the Beaven family...

  • R.W. Duff. We will not forget!

  • Clarissa. Mesa, AZ. Heroes are found during the toughest times. Many were found on flight 93. Thank you.

  • Tena Cunningham. My prayers are with each and everyone of you daily

  • Beth Dorso. Melbourne, Australia

  • Alyse. Pilot, Indiana, God Bless!

  • Christopherw.Eather. penrith. N.S.W. AUSTRALIA

  • Mari Brouks. I'm Sorry

  • Melissa. God Bless the families.

  • chris ross. architect

  • Larry and Kathleen Hofmann. We cannot thank you enough for the courage you displayed - your names will live in integrity forever

  • James Weatherford. Un-Common Valor of the Highest Order

  • Peggy Reagon.

  • Phil Smith. Retired-Former AF Reserve Officer-Ohio. God Bless the families and keep them.

  • John H. Davis. Niles, Ohio

  • Nanci Satalino. EMT, Saratoga Springs, NY

  • Kim Mills. You are all Heros, God Bless You


  • LINDA.

  • A. Monroe. Not a day goes by that the heroes of 9/11 are not in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless you all.

  • Clay A Brown. Aircraft Technician, Lake Charles, LA. Gods heeling hand for the losd of your love ones.

  • Victor Rios. Your sacrifice must be followed, you gave your life for America, you die like real men. Be with GOD

  • Chris & Kathryn Rimmer. These HEROES deserve the Congressional Medal of Freedom.

  • Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Spearman. LAS VEGAS NEVADA

  • rn. rn

  • anonymous.

  • Michael Italiano. Fairfield, Ohio. GOD be with you all, my prayers to the loved ones left behind and to the souls who gave their lives.

  • shamus. designer

  • Maria Hernandez. Areospace Tech, Industry, CA. Together we walk down this rough road, you're not there alone.

  • Susan and Harry. Dawsonville, GA

  • Joan Parsons. It takes incredible bravery to put the lives of others before your own.

  • John Pickar. Duluth, Mn. Lest we never forget the heroes.

  • Edward Shanahan. Dum Vivimus, Vivamus!

  • Tim Lehman. May God you, all the days of your life!

  • Candi Noble. Thank you for the ultimate sacrifice.

  • Ben Mayo.

  • Gee Dub.

  • Michelle. Artist/Raleigh, NC

  • Terri Olson. Fort Madison, IA

  • karen kotowski.

  • Virginia Hayssen. Professor of Biology, Smith College

  • richard apps. tokoroa new zealand

  • D.H. - Detroit.

  • Meredith. I'm an Australian, & I too feel your pain. Stay strong families - stay together!

  • sukar.

  • Louis J. Giallanella.

  • Sally Briggs.

  • Mary B. Coleman and family. May our God bless the ones left behind, for the ones who gave so unselfishly.

  • Linda Haneline. You won't be forgotten.

  • Hal Hess. Retired -AF Veteran

  • anonymous.

  • CTH - FL. Your family member kept the plane from crashing into the White House. America salutes you!

  • Joe Guerrieri. I'm from PA I visited the crash site and the memorials yesterday. May God welcome them all home.

  • aj. thanks todd.

  • Joy Craig, NER-SCCA. Linda & Joe will never be forgotten!

  • Pete Watson. SCCA

  • Meridith Croucher. RN, Rochester, NY and a fellow SCCA member.

  • Dave Panas. NNJR-SCCA

  • carot tavernier. alton Ill.

  • The D. Boyle family. Thank-you, and God Bless us all.

  • The Woods Family. God watchover and guide us all.

  • jeremy hamel. I'm a high school student in Miami, Fl.

  • Jon Marcure MA. Never give up, never surrender, they have shown the way.

  • Don & Sandy. Florida.

  • Cylen Javidan-Nejad.

  • Cynthia McConnell. My thought and prayers are with those who lost loved ones on this flight. They are true heroes.

  • Pete. Daddy, Please come home!

  • BreezyBrilliance. Your Are More Than Our Heroes ... You Are Our 'Living Saints.'

  • Cindy Medgyessy. Thank you doesn't say enough.

  • Lisa S. God Bless

  • Jeff Rau. You were the militia. Bless you.

  • Arthur, Manchester, UK. Your bravery and courage will be remembered. You set an example to us all.

  • matthew edgley. heartfelt sympathy which could never reach the levels of sorrow you must be feeling....

  • Ruth Coomer. Your loss is our loss. We will never forget what was done for us. God Bless you all.

  • Pamela De Mers/Vancouver, WA USA. May God Bless and even though we may not have known you we love and miss you very much.

  • Keith Blocker. My family is praying for all the families... God bless you all!!!

  • Joanne/[email protected] ... Pgh, Pennsylvania. God Bless the victims, families, and the Heroes, & all those serving our USA.

  • Sheila Pratt. Madison, Indiana. Your bravery and love of mankind will never be forgotten. May God be with your families.

  • pauline burkhart. bless each and everyone of you.

  • Melissa C. Pittsburgh, Pa. We will never forget. Thank You!

  • Sarah Torrey. i think of you all every single day.

  • Anonymous. student-OH

  • Nancy Gibbs. AL

  • Mike Finney. To our heroes, and their families: By God's side you stand and your families protected by his hand.


  • Zack messer. god bless the people of flight 93


  • Ryan Cullen. sonoma, ca. I thank you for your bravery

  • Neil Basu. What they did was very brave and I thank them for that.

  • Jennifer Guzman. New York, New York

  • [email protected]. your thoughts r with us and we will not 4get we miss ya and god bless u all ...

  • Mats Wiman. Translator, Tr�sk, Sweden

  • Helen Hatat. You will never be forgotten. Thanks to all of you for your courage.

  • Betty Wood -- Retired.

  • Gus S Calabrese, Denver. You will not be forgotten. Thank you

  • andy tank.

  • Michael Weiner. Thanks for your bravery, and heroic efforts. Your bravery is an example for all to follow.

  • Mari Brouks. I'm Sorry

  • Anita. You will always be with us and your courage never, ever forgotten.


  • Donna Marie Bell. Bartender/Clerical - Orlando. Fla. (God Bless You )

  • Brandon Barnard. Evansville, IN

  • vicki. student, Scotland...

  • Fran Phillips. Thank you so very much for what you did for America.

  • Broadband Media Communications, Inc. (San Juan Capistrano, CA). We have dedicated a page on www.broadbandcareers.com in memory to the UA Flight 93 heroes.

  • Sara. How wonderful it is to remember your loved ones as heros ... and my heart goes out to you for your loss.

  • Dan Calvin.

  • Sterling Uhler. A commemorative brick entiled "the heroes of flight 93" will be placed in The City Of Fairfield Ohio's

  • Sheri Petrone. Food Broker from Huntington Beach, CA. Heroes they were and Heroes they will ALWAYS be! GOD BLESS!

  • Peggy Weed. Yakima WA.

  • Paul and Pam Michael. Thank You and God Bless You

  • Rick Berry. Freedom isn't free. Those who willingly pay the bill we call our heroes. They will be remembered.

  • Roland Shepard. I give thanks to GOD for the bravery and sacrifice displayed by those on Flight 93. God Bless USA!

  • Pat Garrett. Pipefitter, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. I will always be inspired by your courage and bravery. Thank you.

  • Arthur WP. United We Stand.

  • James Owen. San Jose, CA

  • George F. Smith. Freelance writer, Lawrenceville, GA - Your bravery has no equal in all of history.

  • Sally Dow from N.H.. My prayers are with you

  • Megan. Nederland, Texas

  • Beverly Humphreys & Family. Manassas, Virginia. They died fighting. It's what this country was built on. Please know we care.

  • Phillip A Means III.

  • Melissa A. Oaks. Thank you so much for sacrificing.

  • Rebecca J. Del Medico.

  • Rev. Nicholas Cunningham. Shelby Ohio

  • Robert Johansen. Thanks so much

  • Americans. Thanks again!

  • Beth McDaniel, Fulton, Mo.. You and Flight 93 have become a part of history. America will NEVER forget you-God Bless!

  • Mary A Joiner. Denver, Co. The people of Flight 93 were the true heroes their families must be very proud of them.

  • M. Armstrong. I am a Canadian, but I share the pain and horror. I pray for you all.

  • The Weicht family. Springfield, MO. God is still in control.

  • George Ptasnik. God Bless Everyone!

  • Meggie Castranova. Nashua, NH.

  • The Sharp Family. Our prayers and thanks go out to the brave souls on Flight 93 and the brave souls they left behind.

  • Phyllis. Oklahoma -- God Bless.

  • Kevin Grimes. I am an Army Reservist called to active duty. We will never forget your loved ones!

  • Chris Corbett. Your courage and strength has changed me for the better, forever.

  • Vicki Whittenkraus. Teacher, MA.

Note: Inappropriate entries may be removed.

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