United Heroes

On September 11, 2001 the world witnessed one of the most horrific criminal acts in human history.

We lost many great people that day, and many people exhibited great heroism. Other important memorials are being created to honor these heroes. This memorial is devoted specifically to the people of United Flight 93 who courageously took control of their destiny and stopped the terrorists from using their plane as another weapon.

Please help us remember these 40 individuals and what they did for us.


  • anonymous. I am sorry about your loss and offer whatever comfort I may. May G-d bless you all.

  • Tom and Ann Burnett. You gave your life to save life, not take life--true heroes

  • stan stone. thank you from poteau ok.

  • Gretchen E. Rodriguez. May you know that I shall never waiver from what I know in my heart to be right and true, as did you.

  • John.

  • Perry S. Allen. Mt. Angel, OR. Here's a heart full of gratitude for these wonderful heroes.

  • Rhenea Webb. Dimmitt High School

  • Gordon Ovenshine, Seven Fields, Pennsylvania. Heroes forever. Strength and support for Lisa Beamer and the others who lost loved ones.

  • David Arnold, Edmond, OK. We'll carry-on for You, Eternal Thanks

  • anonymous. may god bless america

  • Martha Jones, St. Louis, MO. No words suffice

  • Selena McDoald. Thank You is never enough. God be with you and yours

  • Landis Leffingwell, USA, writer. "He who saves one life, it is as if he saved the entire world." -- a verse from TheTalmud

  • Jarad Childs. From UK, Thank you

  • Sheila Beals. My deepest prayers & sympathy are with each of you with loved ones who died in this Tradgey.

  • James. "The way to love anything is to realize it might be lost" love now, b4 its too late.

  • Michael Sharpe. They were the truest of heros.

  • Judy Marasco. Your loved one gave me hope for humanity.

  • The Yeager Family. You gave your lives to save the lives of others. Thank You

  • G Thatch. Thank you with heavy hearts

  • omer ray garland. mt. sterling, KY 40353, the true heroes of september 11

  • Louise Lacey, writer from California. True heroism doesn't require a salary from the government. All 45 of you are true heroes.

  • David Prosser. Thanks for making the ultimate sacrifice.

  • William T. Lent. New York, New York

  • Shawn Orias, Union City, CA. I'm a gay young man. We have courage now. Thanks to you.

  • david delmundo. you're all brave and courageuous and i admire you all for what you did on september 11, 2001.

  • Sue A. Pettit. Bethlehem, PA. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  • Amanda Archibeque, NM. I can only say, I now know that people care. I would do the same thing. Flight 93 we love you.

  • William Huang. Irvine, CA Thanks for your courage and spirit to fight the terrorists.

  • AJC. my thoughts are always with the "true heroes".

  • anonymous. I think about the heroes of Flight 93 every day, Orlando, FL

  • Matt Prasky. Thank you to the heros of flight 93. Cowards of the world such as Osama bin laden take warning!

  • Sheena Balkaran. God Bless!

  • Jamie. Canada, Let it never be forgotten that they are true heros.

  • Peter Mealy. My sincere condolences to your families and my unending respect for your bravery.

  • Deidre Johnson-Aragon. My deepest condolences, they are true heroes. May God Bless your families.

  • Andrew L. Proud Citizen Saluting REAL Heroes, Los Angeles. Your family rocks!

  • Judy Capo. Teacher

  • tom h., chicago. hero is a serious word and there is no better example than these

  • Uncle Bill. Bradenton, Florida

  • Susan R. Leonard. Marysville, Ks. You don't have to be WELL KNOWN, or rich and famous to make a difference.

  • The Matthews Family. Dexter Michigan

  • ron gunter. Lisa Beamer, I would very much like to correspond with you, I admire you so much!

  • James Hader. Continental Airlines Houston, Tx. We will never forget the true heroes God be with each of you!

  • Dr. Dennis J. Winfield. On Nov 11 Liberty Baptist of Corpus Christ, Texas Will Honer all the Herows of 9-11

  • Semones Family - Michigan. Psalm 46:1

  • John Hoye. we will never forget

  • Steve & Jean Johnson Burton,MI. You are forever in our hearts and prayers. 4 EVER

  • phil & betty schulman. west hartford, ct

  • Joan B. - Illinois. The Heros of Flight 93 are safely home with God. My thoughts and prayers are with the families.

  • Josh. I dont have anything to say to make you feel better but I can say I admire your families bravery

  • Sharon Stroehl. Hankinson, ND

  • Diana. God Bless each and everyone of you. God's Peace be with you.

  • J. D. Engbretson.

  • Henri. Student, South Africa. You can bow your head at the tradegy and lift it up and see the glory!


  • Ray Stallings & Family. Rocky Mount, N.C. Heroes you will always be, the brave passengers of Flight 93. Thank You!

  • Nikolas and family, Boring, OR.. They are martyrs for Freedom

  • Anonymous. May God continue to hold you in his care.

  • erika kreuz & family. aa employees at jfk

  • kyle travis. father of 4 Penn Yan NY

  • Jim & Sheryl Goodwin, Tx USA. Former Navy Seal - We will never forget you.

  • David R. Pizzica. My prayers are with these american heroes

  • Nate. thank you our thoughts are with you

  • Joan Parsons. Our thoughts are with you.

  • Whiskey-Baltimore. A glass raised to these true American heros.

  • anonymous. in our hears 4-ever

  • anonymous - Phoenix. May their memories go down in history as one of the shining examples of an American.

  • paula. you will be missed

  • Don Garside, Canada. Canadians as well as Americans proudly revere these heroes

  • Karen - Connecticut. God only knows what tragedy your heroism avoided - thank you

  • karla - ohio - USA. it took alot of courage to do what these people did to save countless others

  • eleanor bellar. Thank You for making the ultimate sacrifice

  • Linda, Paul and Linda's Father, Ken. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU!

  • May God be with you. Jessica.

  • Bob Hyatt.

  • rj.

  • Brenda. We all will remember you and the sacrifice you made for others .... God bless you

  • Donald. God Bless all of you.

  • anonymous.

  • Ken & Denise Diefendorf & kids. GOD BLESS YOU ALL, YOU'LL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!

  • Donna Meeks. Forsyth, Ga

  • Christine Winnett. You are truly heroes.

  • Pastor Dee. Ohio

  • Larry D Stringer. "Let's Roll' America, Let's walk down that aisle and do what we have to do as they did.

  • Linda & Family, Santa Clara, Ca. May God bless and Protect the families.


  • rabow.

  • Pat Perriman & Family, A big Ozark Hug and Prayers for all the Families losses and Our USA.

  • M. Furtado. Wake up America

  • Scott Hogan. Sylvan Lake, Michigan ... I hope I pass the test of courage and character like these people did

  • Glen, Maria, Mason and Ryan Anderson. Lauren Grandcolas and the other brave Americans on flt 93 will forever be in our hearts and memories

  • Steve B. Firefighter. MA. Thank you for your strength and courage.


  • Bob Peirce. Thank You

  • Carol Poppe. Rice Lake, WI. The people on 93 were courageous people. May God look over them & families.

  • Mindy. You are great heroes. God Bless your families. God Bless America!

  • Gail Franceschi. Nashville, TN

  • Andrew Pfau, Chicago, IL. Your loved ones' courage showed the world that we will defeat terrorism. They gave hope to us all.

  • Linda. Dallas, Tx. Our thanks to all of you.

  • tammy.

  • Julie. Teaching assistant, Indiana, Our prayers are with you.

  • Peter Simmons Teacher, Australia.

  • Luke Doyle. Thanks

  • Thad Waldrip & Family. Wichita, Kansas

  • Robin McNeill. God bless you everyone!

  • The Burnside Family. New Castle PA. Our prayers are with the families left behind.

  • Christina Finley. To the families of the heroes of Flight 93, may God be with you. Those men were the real heroes.

  • e & d baker and family. There are no words to adequately thank you and your families for your sacrifice

  • freewillie. Their heroism is appreciated.

  • Bob & Pam Mayfield, Texas. "Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."

  • Tammy and Savannah Grenoble. we would like to say thank you for what you did and God bless you

  • ~Carrie~. Student, Kentucky, these men are not only pleasing God, but his people, as well. May God bless you.

  • The Ray Family. Thank you to your loved ones who sacrificed their lives so that others would live.

  • Sissy Adams. TX Sorrow, grief and a painful admiration.

  • Corey Adam & Katrina Jenkins. Thank you may god be with you and your families.

  • Kent Van Cleave, philosopher. These brave members of the general militia were disarmed by their own government.

  • anonymous. orlando, florida

  • Brad Moeller. Fire Fighter - Wakarusa, Kansas

  • Martin Dubroff. Real estate Developer

  • R. Dennis Rardin. Their courage was extraordinary. In its aftermath, yours will be as well.

  • Luther F. Matthews. NRA Life Member

  • THANK YOU! you people who died 4 our country we will find who did this don't worry

  • Mario Koppenh�fer / Berlin-Germany. God bless and keep you all !

  • Leigh Snyder and Family - Total Sadness. Shanksville, PA

  • Francis W Leslie. Retired, Bradenton, Fl

  • The Owens'. Edinburgh, Scotland

  • The Matthews Family. Dexter Michigan

  • Byron Bratt. You peolple have touched my heart and given new meaning to my life as well as no fear!

  • James Hader. Continental Airlines Houston. Tx,

  • anonymous. These folks were true heroes. To the families, I'm very sorry for your losses.

  • Bethany. well im not very old im only in 8th grade i wrote a poem email me at [email protected]

  • Melisa Weber-Miller.

  • Bobbi Herbert. May God Bless each and everyone of you!

  • Jenny. I am both amazed and saddened

  • H. Wendell Yardley & Shirley Yardley. Foster Parents needy children of the world


  • Sylvia, Cheyenne Wyoming. Prayers & thoughts are with you! GOD Bless America

  • Kristi Michelle. you were all guardian angles! thank you

  • Erik. Sweden, Gothenburg.

  • Laurence Chan. Student, NY. I will never forget your bravery and heroism in the face of adversity.

  • Violette N�meth. I live in France - Canadian by birth.

  • Ginger DiJohn. God bless and keep you.

  • Linda Olson. Dispatcher, Wyoming Highway Patrol, Cheyenne, Wy. We all owe you much, you will never be forgotten

  • Laural Frohman. God bless you all

  • Vera Rivera. I am a housewife in Las Vegas, NV. and I am saddened by this tragedy. But I'm proud of our heroes.


  • George R. Morrell. Restaurant/tavern owner.

  • Faith Tonn. May their courage and strength, be your courage and strength!

  • Sarah a.k.a. AngelFace. can anyone thank them enough for giving up their own lives to save others? no we cant. thank you.

  • Greatful in New Jersey. Your courage is inspiring.

  • Lance Fallin. No More Masadas!

  • anonymous. in our hears 4-ever

  • Jack Ferguson. There are still Heroes in our great country

  • scott fodor and family.

  • Rae. I grieve like the heroes on the plane were my own loved ones. I will never forget their heroism.

  • Kenndel Dehon Hebert. All that I can really say is THANK YOU for everything. And I mean everything.

  • Ken Pack. Thank you. DEATH TO TYRANTS!!

  • May God be with you .

  • Katie. i have to say the greatest respect for anyone in the world belongs to these 40 heros

  • anonymous. we'll never forget the sacrafice you made for our country, and God bless you

  • G.

  • Curtis Weaver. Your brave family has inspired and changed the lives of millions.

  • Mitchell Barth. I feel that these heroes have been over looked by the media and others. I try to remember these 40 he

  • Berry Family, Horn Lake, MS. You are not forgotten ... though the focus is elsewhere ... we remember and know.

  • Counard Family of NJ-USA. God Bless our "special angels"

  • sina fee. braintree stand strong and be proud of the heroes that saved many more lives

  • ted tampary. web water denvelopment, aberdeen, sd

  • Kimberly Modrzejewski/A&K Sports & Nutrition Center. We are so deeply saddened and proud at the same time for the heroic acts of these 40 individuals.

  • romana king.

  • Robbi Marie. Technical Support in Beaverton, OR; If the need ever arose, I hope to have your courage!

  • Rev. Linda Kay Hall. Pastor, Manchester UMC -- Our prayers are with you as we remember their bravery on All Saints Day!

  • Jay K. Kreps. Coppell Texas Police Department

  • Elizabeth Flint. We honor these American heroes who died resisting evil on All Saints Day, & pray for their families.

  • Susan Weeks.

  • Lana Sterling. God Bless You All

  • Dalton Day / Kimberly Arnette. Our prayers are with you and may god bless you.

  • Harry E. Roberts. Largo, FL May God watch over your loved ones. You gave so that we may live.

  • Pat Magee. To Mark Rothenberg family, it's important that we know the heroes' names.

Note: Inappropriate entries may be removed.

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The Web space for UnitedHeroes.com is donated by The Henry Hazlitt Foundation. Click here for ways you can get involved.