United Heroes

On September 11, 2001 the world witnessed one of the most horrific criminal acts in human history.

We lost many great people that day, and many people exhibited great heroism. Other important memorials are being created to honor these heroes. This memorial is devoted specifically to the people of United Flight 93 who courageously took control of their destiny and stopped the terrorists from using their plane as another weapon.

Please help us remember these 44 individuals and what they did for us.

  • Help for the Families! A foundation has been setup to help the families at: https://www.online-giving.com/beamerfoundation/

  • Michelle Patrick (Blake's mommy). You will be a hero for many children ... my son included. His mommy thanks you.

  • Tina Clarke. healthcare worker. pennsylvania You are in my prayers everyday and every nite.

  • michael d. adams. hou-tx. thank you to all the heroes of this special group of people.

  • Lisa. New Jersey -- your heroism takes my breath away. God Bless you & those you left behind.

  • Betty Huber. Dental/Business Coordinator, Deltona, FL; My prayers are with you.

  • Ellie Call.

  • Erica Ellingson. God Bless ... Student, Flagstaff, AZ

  • Barbara Schultz and Family. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

  • anonymous.

  • Carole W.. I will never forget you.

  • [email protected] / the eagle is our national Bird. the eagle uses turbulant winds to soar for long periods so will our nation soar in peace

  • Miki S. Harper. IT Systems Administrator - Thank you for all that has been given...

  • Per-Erik Augustsson. Gamleby

  • t. smith. thinking of you and praying for you. may GOD keep his loving arms around you.

  • Betty Oxenreider. Reading, Pa God bless the friends and family that lost loved ones

  • PaulaRose. They were our guardian angels that day and will be eternally

  • Betsy Papaly. They were angels sent down from heaven to help us - and God just wanted them back.

  • Anonymous. I am going to walk a mile in honor of each of your loved ones.

  • Ruby Newsom. We will not forget you

  • johnny. be strong, we will get are revenge

  • John Mason. Thank You from Oregon. God Bless You!


  • Keith Anderson. work for Kokomo Grian Co., TN.

  • anonymous. God Bless America

  • MMC(SW/AW) Stephen J. Saucier. U.S. Navy, Yokosuka, Japan - Your loved ones were the Bravest of the Brave. God Bless all of you.

  • Greg and Gail Smith. Lake Linden. MI; Thank you and God Bless You.

  • Ted Mueller. San Francisco, Ca.

  • Kevin Sink. Police Officer - Your courage and self-sacrifice is what we in law enforcement strive for. Thank you

  • patye. God bless you all

  • Don Ready & Family. Teacher, Albuquerque, NM

  • Bob. Florida. Thank you. Gratitude knows no bounds, like your heroism. May we all pray for your loved ones

  • paul and lisa. god bless you. San Francisco CA.

  • Roger & Laurie Fowers and Children. Machinist-Homemaker. Roy, UT USA. Our thoughts & prayers are with you-stay close to God for comfort


  • P Collins. God Bless America and Each and Everyone of You.

  • Dennis Johnson. It is heroes like these that makes America a GREAT country to live in. May God Bless you all!

  • Heather and Jamie. You are in our hearts forever.. thank you!

  • Kim Powell. Stoneboro, PA

  • Joan McAninch Samuelson. Just saw the tribute on MSNBC. I have followed this story since Sept. 11th. All of the 6,000+ in a

  • Irene Esposito. Rhode Island

  • Thomas Scott. Oviedo, FL

  • Chuck & Carolyn Faulk. Your bravery will not be forgotten! It is a testament to the world. America, Let's Roll!

  • Sherry Diener. Autryville NC

  • sonia. I pray for your families and thank you for your bravery

  • Dan Heller. These are the people who make America great

  • Shari & Bob Loper. As tragic as this is, it's a part of the greater plan that we cannot see. Trust in God and he will

  • Brian Fults.

  • Eric T.. Our hearts are with you, and we grieve your loss

  • anonymous. oregonians feel the loss and your personal pain. God bless you all.

  • Mark Warfel, Arcadia, CA. May God forgive us our sins, and bring us to life everlasting.

  • anonymous. God bless

  • The Foreman Family. May the peace of God be with you now and forever. Our prayers are with you and your families.

  • Joey. Johm smith

  • Tommy & Lucy Powell Bell Buckle, Tn.. Thank the Lord for people like yoou.

  • David, Diane & DJ Shorey, Houston Texas. May the peace the paces all understanding keep each of you! They were true heroes! God Bless you !

  • Brian Collins, Delia Crownover, Los Lunas New Mexico. Thank God we have people like them to reminde us what this great Country stands for!

  • William Tom and Lucy Sun. They are an inspiration to us all to each do our part to protect the America we love.

  • Christopher Hayes-Harrisburg, PA. your fight was not was not lost ... thank you for your bravery!

  • Richard Boucher. They were wonderful and courageous people!

  • John A. Kleiner. These brave few gave me comfort, hope and inspiration. They defined heroism by the way they lived.

  • Joy Boodle and Family from Australia. Hopefully all Terrorists will be wiped off the face of the earth.

  • Helene Welch. Thank you. Helene, Bill and Rose Welch Family of Idaho

  • Ben Nash, Athens Georgia. These American Heroes will forever be an example of who we are as a people. God Bless America

  • Julie. there is a special place in heaven for you who sacrificed your life to save others

  • Charlene Reid. My hugs, prayers, and tears for your sorrow, We love you all.

  • jean . I will sing a song in the night to God for you and trust in His ability to give you back hope and he

  • From the Lillie family with great admiration. True heroes. Their sacrifice saved countless lives. May GOD hold you all in the palm of his hand.

  • Philip" MIKE" Farrell Ret. US Army. GOD BLESS ALL

  • emily harrison. GOD BLESS AMERICA

  • The Laurence Family. You are true heroes. Thank you


  • Judy Copeland. God Bless America

  • Val. God Bless Our Heroes!

  • Vivian Veiga. Our condolences for your losses and our gratitude for their bravery.

  • Gus and Angela Nicholson. Wealth Managers, Orlando, Florida

  • anonymous. America will go to the ends of the Earth to punish the animals that took your loved one from you!

  • Eugene A. Pawlik, Sr. LTC, USA (Ret.). May the God of us all console you during this time of grieving.

  • Greg Baltimore and daughter Madison. God Bless all the heroes of Sept. 11, 2001

  • M. Neubauer, RI. Words can't seem to express the gratitude and admiration the nation has for these modern day heroes.

  • Tish Crimm. To the Heroes of New York "Although I don't know you personally you're in my heart and soul." God Bless

  • Russell Harris. "I will never forget you for you will always be in my thoughts and in my heart."

  • Bernadette.

  • Ron Coleman. GOD Bless our HEROES

  • Suzanne Jacobs. Heroes! WE love all of you and your brave families. Thank you.

  • Kellie Roberts. Mississippi.God bless your famalies.

  • Todd Usher - South Carolina. What Heroes! God Bless!

  • Shona Brogden-Stirbl. Thank you! Your heroism is awesome & a source of inspiration. God bless you & your loved ones always

  • Durgin. Mechanic Falls, Maine

  • sykes family.

  • Kelly Van Tuyl. My Heart goes out to all those who lost someone.

  • The Schreiber Family. "God Bless America"

  • Catherine M. Vaughn. They are in my heart forever

  • Rick Baier. From our hearts, our prayers are with you. Your loved ones are truely the heroes of that day!

  • Joani. Ellicott City, Maryland

  • Nancy Androsky. Our Prayers are with you, God Bless America!

  • Aur�lien. Paris, France - May we never forget you.

  • D. Hill. I hope given the same circumstances that I would be as courageous as you all were. Thank you.

  • Gabriel Wisdom. Now you are gone, but you claim the victory: In facing death you acted with Nobility.

  • Peggy Whirley.

  • judy gatlin smith. thank you all and god bless

  • Pat Marshall. Divine intervention through men and thank you for your sacrifice

  • Amber. May God bless those who loved each of these heroes.

  • Leigh and Pat Raney. You bravery will always be held dear to our hearts.

  • Hanania B. Dover. Every American can now look up to your heroism forever.

  • Ari and Christina Jacobs. Thank you to our true heroes! God bless you and your families.

  • cnewt & kstreif. May God bless & keep each and everyone of you.

  • t. smith. GOD bless you

  • Debbie. God bless you

  • Trisha. Thanks

  • Heather.

  • Sandy Franks. Chatham, NJ 07928

  • The Symons Family, Fort Knox Kentucky. God Bless all who have given their lives to save ours ... America, we will prevail

  • The Frack Family-PA. Your courage and bravery will live in our hearts forever ... Thank you.

  • Vickie Nielsen. Former school lunchlady, homemaker and mother, but mostly Proud American

  • The Baughman Family, Concord NC. They lived and died by the true meaning of "the good of the many, outweighs the good of the few."

  • Janet Althouse. From Pennsylvania. I will never forget you or your families. You gave your lives for us all.

  • pezi. i'm proud of all of you - god bless you!

  • Starla Risley. You gave your life to save others. You are true heroes. May God bless you!

  • Rick and Judy Bacino. Thank you, God Bless America

  • Ada Ocheskey.

  • Beth, Central Coast, NSW. Thank you

  • Larry Dawson. Your bravery stands out as a beacon and an inspiration. My heat goes out to all the the loved ones

  • Don Ready & Family. Teacher, Albuquerque, NM. You're all in a better place. Pray your loved ones find strength & love.

  • Penny Fumiko Moon Rocha - Rohnert Park, Ca.. You made the ultimate sacrifice to save others. May you rest in peace. We won't forget.

  • Sergeant First Class Bruce Cramer. U. S. Army, Fort Hood, Texas. Thank you & God Bless America!

  • Lisa. I just want you to know that I am sorry for your losses. They are all heroes. God Bless America!

  • Mike W.. Vancouver - Justice for All


  • Jill W.. Thank you and God Speed

  • ruby.

  • Heather and Jamie Jr. Worcester, MA. You are in our hearts forever ... thank you!

  • Joe F. Machinist, California

  • Richard Guzman & Migdalia Barbosa. Our prayers to all the families of the fallen heroes. May God Bless you all

  • Scott & Melissa Swing. Your example & heroism shine as bright as Lady Liberty herself

  • Joan McAninch Samuelson. Teacher

  • Linda Diane Medlin. I am praying for you!. [email protected]

  • Ed Schneider. Brave, Outragous strengh saved maybe so many more people. Thank you, God bless the families of all!

  • The Franks Family - New Jersey. To the 44 people: you're in the arms of the angels, to the families: God Bless

  • Woty. Thank you for doing the right thing instead of believing yourself as helpless as the goons want you.

  • Beth. thank you for your bravery. god bless ameica

  • S. V. Buffamanti. Buffalo, NY

  • Clare Strange. Christchurch, New Zealand

  • Alice C. Ours. Student, University of Virginia

  • Darlene Nicholas. To take such innocent people this way, was an act against God and everything we hold sacred.

  • Katie Botts. Sierra Vista, Arizona

  • Sian. God bless you all

  • The Goodpaster's. God Bless You!

  • GenesisAmaya. Thank You ,

  • Mike Vukin. Your personal sacrifice will never be forgotten by grateful nation.

  • William S. Vernon. We will NEVER forget! My son will always know the sacrifice they made for him. Blessed be thee.

  • janica hedley. i feel for you all

  • sissy campbell. Peace, I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, (John 14:27)

  • Doug and Debbie Hill. Redford, MI

  • Brian Kiser. Frankfort, Kentucky -- WE LOVE YOU, GUYS. God Bless America.

  • Theresa Champagne. Sec. Dept. of Ladies Aux VFW

  • Michael and Amy Miller. Our sorrows are with you. May God be with you during your time of need. Thank you.

  • Dave & Cindi Halkola. Belvidere, NJ

  • jean. to finish-healing. Thank God for the people of United flight 93. He has not forgotten you or the US



  • Philip" MIKE" Farrell Ret. US Army.



  • The Duncans. God Bless You & Comfort You ... That was the bravest thing I ever heard of.

  • P.D. Gavin. Attorney-God Bless Your Families

  • Gerard Renadette. Elected Official Plattsburgh NY. The heroism demonstrated that day is what it means to be American.

  • Bonnie. They will forever be remembered

  • Libertarian John Reynolds. You are our Heroes... so sorry our government disarmed all you victims. We will work to do better.

  • Larry Miller. When the pain is more then you can stand, always know your loved ones will never be forgotten

  • Thomas R. Lussier. United We Stand

  • Martha J. Pyle, Washington, DC. W/Love & Hope for a stronger America! What a story I'll tell my 5 mo. old daughter Madison Baltimore

  • Russell Harris Casper Wy. "I will never forget the day our nation cryed and the heroes steprd forward to help. Thank all of you

  • Jimmy Dio. Rhode Island, all of my prayers really do go out to u!, age 13

  • Linda Delorme. Auburn, Maine. These people will never be forgotten.

  • Joyce Hays. I am brought to tears when I think of flight 93.

  • Arthur J. Roy, Past State Commander, Dept. of Maine VFW. To: The Families - I'm truly sorry for all of your losts. These were very brave people.

  • Steve Brackett. Chapel Hill, NC

  • M. Dragon. Courage lives. Forever.

  • Lou Cooper. All you can ask for is to die with Honor.

  • Underwood Family. Mechanic Falls, Maine

  • Linda L. Evans. Lynchburg, VA

  • Gwen King. God Bless your families

  • Nancy Johnson. Nebraska is proud of our bravery.

  • Kathy H. May God Bless all of you

  • Michelle Eichinger, Laurel, Maryland.

  • Shannon Morris. I pray that God will give you peace in knowing that your Love ones are in a better place.

  • Anthony Tripoli.

  • Erin. Baltimore, MD

Note: Inappropriate entries may be removed.

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The Web space for UnitedHeroes.com is donated by The Henry Hazlitt Foundation. Click here for ways you can get involved.