United Heroes

On September 11, 2001 the world witnessed one of the most horrific criminal acts in human history.

We lost many great people that day, and many people exhibited great heroism. Other important memorials are being created to honor these heroes. This memorial is devoted specifically to the people of United Flight 93 who courageously took control of their destiny and stopped the terrorists from using their plane as another weapon.

Please help us remember these 44 individuals and what they did for us.

  • Lorella Riva - Milan Italy. GOD bless all these courageous Heroes we will never forget

  • Mary Robinson. Fitchburg, MA ... thoughts and prayers to all who were lost and the families they left behind.

  • Lisa Baltimore Sheffield. May God continue blessing you all through this very hard time of loss and closure. God bless the USA

  • annette. i pray for these heroes' friends & families. Know that your sacrifice has brought this nation together for the greater good. God Bless

  • Nikki and Family. Our love and Prayers are with you all. God Bless each and every one of you.

  • The Greene Family.

  • Norris Newman. May their heroism and sacrifice spur others onward and as they go onward may they look up to Jesus

  • lg gardner. thank you GOD for those brave people and the act of bravery they showed...thank you people of flight 93.

  • Jacqui Rogers, Australia. Words cannot express the feelings we have. To those who unselfishfully gave their lives thank you.

  • Paul and Sue Meyer. Wisconsin may seem so very far away but we're so very mindful of the sacrifice of your loved ones.

  • Karen. Thanks to all the heroes of flight 93, who are now our angels. You represent what "real" love and honor are. May your families be blessed.

  • Penny Ward. Flight Attendant, Colorado. Thank you for the supreme sacrifice. We will never forget.

  • Lori. Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice for all Americans. God Bless You!

  • Tracy Lopez. We thank God for each of you and we are praying for you families. God Bless You!

  • Marjorie Dare. Thank God there were so many strong willed people on that plane, God belss their souls and families!

  • William Hurt. You are all true heroes. I salute you.

  • anonymous. a christian mom, thankful that those people obeyed God's Calling.

  • Mary O'Dell. I hold each of you in my prayers.

  • Tom Amber Austin And Allison. our hearts go out to you that flight had true heros

  • Julie Payne.


  • James Rothaar. They are heroes forever, displaying courage beyond measure. beyond

  • Betty Aufenkamp. Nebraska is proud of your bravery in the face of death. Thank you.

  • M. Teresa Caldwell. No one will ever know how many lives you saved through your bravery & sacrifice.

  • Mary Proudfit. You can be proud of these people who loved their country more than themselves! God Bless.

  • Donna Vecchione. The heroism it took on the part of the passengers of Ft.93 will never be forgotten. God bless.

  • Shea Terzinski. Prior F/A-You are my heroes. May God Bless You All!

  • Margie Comer - Barber. I think of you all everyday, I will pray for all of you!

  • cindy tompkins. My sister is a pilot and she has been a hero and luckily survived, For all of us, I thank you

  • Dawn, Bink & Darian. May God bless and keep you all and your families

  • Derek Leslie. Teacher; Omaha, Nebraska

  • Sieg Pedde... a grateful Canadian. What a tragic loss of human life and potential!

  • Raju Naik (UK).

  • Roger Hasz. Army Reserve

  • Peggy Wheeler. God Bless; Kyrie Eleison

  • Pamela Griffin. St. Louis, MO - My thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless Us ALL!

  • anonymous. student

  • Jim Walker. Know that the sacrifice your loved layed down on the altar of freedom will never be forgotten.

  • Walter Lewis. Railroad Electrician, LaVale, MD

  • Teresa Arens. Keep up the wonderful work! You are truely angels on earth!

  • Vicki & Joe Manning.

  • Beth.

  • Paul Richartz. Courage. Honor. Freedom

  • Dan Skinner. There is not enough money in print to pay the heroes what their courageous acts are worth.

  • Gary Calderone. New York City. My thoughts and prayers are with each of you.

  • Ramona Bearor. There are no words to express the thanks owed to you for the gift you have given us. God Bless.

  • Debbie Noling. God Bless Our Heroes. We Will Never Forget. May God Bless Each One Of Our Heroes And Their Families.

  • Anonymous. Hastings, Michigan--I thank them...

  • The Mitchell Family. North Pole, Alaska

  • Brian Chamberlen. Computer Programmer, Dubuque, Iowa

  • Roger Johnson. Thank you for your spirit and your sacrifice.

  • P & T. May our hearts always remember the courage of those who made the ultimate sacrifice to save others.

  • The Smiths, California. May Jesus comfort the families in their loss.Thank you to you who sacrificed for us.

  • Amanda Ley. I'm just a student, but tradgy hurts any one and everyone involved. America is grateful!

  • The Broaddrick Family-Sidney,Ohio. May Gods light shine on all of the families of the heroes of this tragedy. You are not alone.

  • Robyn. Hood River stands beside you now and forever. Thank you for the giving of their courage to all of us

  • As a AMERICAN I thank all of you! Police, Firefighter, Doctors, and many more! May God Bless You All. God bless the heroes we took for granted they were always there for us!

  • Toni Litsinger. Their bravery will not be forgotten. They have shown courage, patriotism and love for fellow man.

  • The Flanagan Family. NY 12780 With hearfelt sympathy and undying gratitude to all who gave the ultimate gift to show us

  • Vincent Russo. Those on that flight showed all of us the absolute best that we can be as Americans and as humans!

  • Gifts from God Ministries. We are sorry for yaws lose, but thank God for the men & women that gave theur live for their country

  • Shanna Pool. Austin, Tx. GOD BLESS all that lost their lives. You will all be heroes in my eyes ...

  • Veronica Smith. God Bless

  • Jill Serra. Rutherford, NJ 07070 - God Bless our Country!

  • Donna Rich. Property Manager Sun Realty of Salvo, NC, Bless you for your sacrifices.

  • Eddie & Donna. May God Bless you

  • The Rizzo's of Paramus, NJ. You all set an example we should live by. Thank you all for your heroism.

  • The Grace's of Alabama. "What solemn pride must be yours." & What a precious gift you've laid on the altar of freedom.


  • Dee Waitley. God bless you as you cope with your loss. A grateful nation thanks you.

  • tammy and tiffany. lead operator

  • TONYA TARDIFF. Connecticut. United we stand!

  • Roger D. Buer Sr.. Nowich, Connecticut. R.I.P. Death to who did this!

  • Brady A. Dufault. Montville, CT. God bless America. United we stand!

  • Roger Burt. This attack only got us stronger not weaker. In memory who lives died in the N.Y terrorist attack.

  • anonymous. Greater love has no one than this, that he lays down his life for his friends ... Godbless them all.

  • Marie. St. Martinville, La.

  • Cathy L. Jones. God Bless all of you!

  • Klaus Falke. Ihr werdet unvergessen bleiben als mutige und starke Individuen!

  • Jim L. a firefighter. The passengers of 93 always will be my heroes

  • Sharon. Australia - in our thoughts, prayers and hearts every day ... never forget.

  • Cathy Cranford-Ailstock. "You are always on our mind and your death has not been nor will be in vain" North Carolina.


  • sherry quinn. may god bless you.

  • ferguson. thank god for people like you

  • Hali Gunter. These people are true, genuine HEROES! they all truly share a wonderful place in my heart.

  • Christine Kawchak. Johnstown, PA. These heroes will always have a special place in my heart for what they did.

  • Jamie L Henderson.

  • Deanna Sasher. thank you for these wonderful and brave angels

  • Jennie. May God Bless you ANd Keep you

  • Christian Passey. You are national heroes!


  • Anonymous. Indiana. College Student. God Bless Them All

  • anonymous (D.M.M.). I will never forget this day for as long as i live. My heart goes out to all of you. God Bless us ALL

  • Jessica & Augustin Proctor (Washington, DC). Bless the many heroes of this nation's tragedy who have demonstrated what true patriotism is.

  • Denise Mitchell. North Pole, AK

  • Adam Minnich, RAF Mildenhall, UK. The nation is eternally grateful for the sacrifice your loved-one made for all of us.

  • Matt Shafer.

  • Robert G. Allen. Self-Employed, Warrenton VA, Our prayers are with you!

  • Melissa. To each family member- You are in my prayers & may God comfort your hearts!!!

  • Chris West.

  • Jeremy Gray. My love and prayers are with all of you. We are doing what we can. Your grief will not be in vain.

  • Tara M. Richardson. Orange County, CA. May you be rewarded for your sacrifice.

  • The Carl Family-Pt Neches, TX. "No greater love hath a man than he lay down his life..." Thank you for the unselfishness

  • Quintin McGrew. our thouhts and prayers are with the people that have lost there lives -- they are true heroes -- SC

  • Quintin McGrew. Our thougts and prayers are with you -- all of you will be missed as U.S. citizens -- Char. , S.C.

  • Robert Burcz. My thoughts and prayers are with you (Charleston, S.C.)

  • Jen. Your heroism are an inspiration to us all. Thank you.

  • You are in my prayers!. Housewife, Mother and Grandmother wants to say "Thank you"

  • Janet Schwartz, ACA/UAX Flight Attendant. My prayers go out to the families of the crew of UAL flt. 93. They all left this earth as heros!

  • Moon-Faery - Australia. Thank you to all the heros, you truly inspire the best of most people.

  • Linda from N.J. I knew in my heart when I first heard the plane went down, that there were hereos aboard that plane!

  • Jack and Beth Schmidt, Boise, Idaho, Disabled U.S. Navy veterans. Words cannot express ... We thank you. God Bless!

  • Joseph C. Dekat. Overland Park, Kansas


  • Donald A. Heichel II. Secretary, Libertarian Party of Indiana

  • Anonymous.

  • Jeff & Cari Hale. Thank you for being our heroes. We will never forget!

  • Debbie Amodeo. Thank you, & May you rest in peace.

  • anonymous.

  • Cheryl Cabrera. Paraeducator

  • Donna Barnes. Administrative Secretary, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX


  • Shannon Comer. Technical Analyst, Washington DC. God Bless you all! These heroes will NEVER be forgotten.

  • Jessica Watson. San Francisco

  • Roger Hasz. Army Reserve

  • Elaine Boyd. FEMA

  • Angerer Family. We will never forget you.

  • Beamer.

  • The Callahan Family. Beaver Falls, PA. God Bless you and your loved ones -- Thank you.

  • Todd & Jo Overton. God bless and comfort you all.Your loved ones are an inspiration to us all.

  • Renee Martinez. God Bless You And Keep Your Heads Up

  • Beth Cottreau.

  • the Accettura's.

  • The Buckners of Burlington, NC. to the famillies of the people aboard United Flight 93--May you feel the love and support ...

  • David Tomlin. Nashville, TN

  • Schadler / Moses Family. With courage and bravery, a country unites. Let AMERICA never bow down again. NEVER FORGET 9-11-01

  • Graham Chalmers. California

  • Debbie Noling. God Bless Our Heroes. We Will Never Forget. May God Bless Each One Of Our Heroes And Their Families.

  • JoseM.Ruiz-James. I am an Ameri-Cuban and i am with you. GOD bless AMERICA and all of you!

  • Debi L'Heureux. Me and my family think of you and yours daily. God Bless.

  • "freepete"-P T Gallimore. As they died to protect our freedom, let us hope they did not die in vain.

  • Kristina. Sydney, Australia

  • J.D. Starr. Please go to http://starr1210.com/ remember_flight_93.htm.

  • Laurie, California. I cry when I think of what y'all went through for us down here on the ground, tears of gratitude.

  • The Stephens Family in S. Florida. You are and always will be heroes

  • The McDowell Family. California

  • Michelle Decker. Paraeducator -- Lyndon, Kansas

  • As a AMERICAN I thank all of you! Police, Firefighter, Doctors, and many more! May God Bless You All. God bless the heroes we took for granted they were always there for us!

  • The Shipley Family. Thank you for being true Americans.

  • Linda from Maryland. May God Blessings be upon all who gave and are giving.

  • Sandy Dryfhout. Thank you and God Bless you

  • Lisa from Florida (by way of Boston). Please feel free to visit my support website at http://personal.buildpage.com/ heartfelt

  • Janice from Reynoldsburg OH. May you find peace in spite of the tragedy of the times.

  • Ona Beierlorzer. Our deepest gratitude for your ultimate sacrifice for others

  • Barbara Heim. our prayers go out to our heros

  • God Bless, The Faber Family.

  • Shelly Parkin. I am a Registered Medical Assistant living in Tennessee.

  • Michele Blain. AZ

  • Marcia Simon. The memory of your courageous loved ones will live in our hearts.


  • Elsie Wight. God Bless you in your hour of sorrow

  • Peter Bloomfield. medical student, striving to be as courageous as those passengers.

  • Eileen Foular. This was nothing but tragedy.

  • anonymous. My deepest sympathies go out to the families who list their loved ones. God bless.

  • Brady A. Dufault. Montville, CT. God bless America. United we stand!

  • Tim G, Horton. Plymouth MN USA GOD BLESS THE USA. Justice and death to those that did this.


  • Sim & Lu, KY. God bless

  • Magazine. (Denmark)

  • Jim L. a firefighter. The passengers of 93 always will be my heros

  • Chester & Linda Girdler. Somerset,Ky.

  • Kell. Everyone from Oz think and pray about and for you all

  • Ricardo J. Komotar. I am a medical student at Johns Hopkins and what your family did inspires me to be a better doctor.

  • Sherry Andrews. Your courage will never be forgotten ... you have helped inspire us all to be more courageous.

  • Linda Diaz. These brave people are surely in Gods Hands. They gave their lives to save many others. Thank YOU


  • Libby Jackson. Sumter, South Carolina

  • Stephanie Meers, Bryce, Amanda, & Aaron Miller.. Maize, KS - God Bless All of Them. Thank you and we are praying for you.

  • Karen McCormack. Your family members are true heros...they will not be forgotten. You are always in my thoughts..

  • Steve Reynolds. For my liberty, they died...I'm forever indebted.

  • Beryl Haslam Carr. Nova Scotia, Canada

  • Tammi and family. To Die For Your Country... what an honor to us left behind.

  • Larry and Becky Bentley. Retired...We can never repay your family members...The true heroes...GOD BLESS AMERICA.

  • Nathan & Carla Green. Spokane, WA

  • Kevin Farmer. Medincal Student...Your family members are the truest heroes this country has ever seen.

  • Melissa, WI. To all those who lost members on United Flight 93, know that your loved ones are truly our heroes.

  • so sad that such a wonderful man is gone... Mark Bingham has become my hero, not because of how he died, but because of how he lived his life.

Note: Inappropriate entries may be removed.

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The Web space for UnitedHeroes.com is donated by The Henry Hazlitt Foundation. Click here for ways you can get involved.