United Heroes

On September 11, 2001 the world witnessed one of the most horrific criminal acts in human history.

We lost many great people that day, and many people exhibited great heroism. Other important memorials are being created to honor these heroes. This memorial is devoted specifically to the people of United Flight 93 who courageously took control of their destiny and stopped the terrorists from using their plane as another weapon.

Please help us remember these 44 individuals and what they did for us.

  • kc_lady. my prayers are with u all .... thank u very much !!

  • Amy. To Our Heroes, may we be FOREVER THANKFUL!!

  • Melissa Arnold. Columbus, OH

  • B.B. /Risk Mgr with Texas Dept of Mental Health & Mental Retardation. May God be with you and your loved ones.

  • Linda Meyer. Disabled ex Lab Manager from Florida

  • The Vineyard Family. Ohio

  • Carol Emsell. Sheffield UK

  • Page.

  • Damien. U should b proud

  • Kristie. Springfield, Louisiana. God Bless You and Your Family. You are in our thoughts and Prayers.

  • Billy Clark. You lost a lot to save so much thank you. SCOTLAND

  • Charlie H., from, Houston, TX.. I am formally from New Jersey, and GOD BLESS the HEROS of flight 93.

  • anonymous. Help the families that were left behind heal and have pride in what their family members did!

  • Whiting, NJ. You will remain in our hearts forever

  • Ginny Manfredi - Clifton, NJ. Thank you and May God Bless you all and your families!

  • Bob Bagwell. Washington D.C. Flight Attendant



  • Anonymous. They were true American heros. We all owe them a great debt of gratitude.

  • Gary Skimin. Engineer. You showed what American courage means and decided to be free. Thank you.

  • warren stewart at hotmail. courier

  • Maurice Byers, Senior Aircraft Maintenance Technician. All America is proud of your actions. You did not go quietly into that good night!

  • Marc Hammock. Sales, Orlando Florida, Thoughs and prayers with the families

  • Juan C. Galiano. Investigator, you and yours have paid the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom. Bless you.

  • A. Goldberg. Tucson

  • Jennifer. You are amazing. We are thinking of you every day. You are truly courageous. You saved many ...

  • William E. Spreadbury. "On and beyond the call ..." may God always hold you dear to Him - we certainly will

  • Paul M Di Cicco-Retired you all have shown us that they cannot create fear in us, that God in his . strange ways always brings out the best in us during Times of need.

  • you are in our prayers night and day. ALWAYS ...

  • Michelle. GOD BLESS YOU~

  • Cindy. As a daughter,sister,wife, mother and aunt, I send my deepest sympathies for your losses.

  • Dr. Ben F. Irvin. Cowards die a thousands deaths; heros die but once. Your heroic deeds will be remembered as long as


  • Barry J. Klein. Public Policy Consultant

  • Vanzant Family. A Gift given and shared for a short time on this earth they will soar with silver wings from god.

  • Gary R.. US. Air Force- God bless, we will ensure the deaths of your loved ones do not go unanswered.

  • cody weaver. peace

  • destinee.

  • Ron Bannon. Teacher

  • Cathy Wood. Know that your loved one has earned a crown in heaven.

  • Anthony Gray. The courage they displayed was an inspiration, they were TRUE heroes. I'll always remember.

  • Uriah Kriegel. Student, Providence RI

  • The Kelley Family. La, USA--God Bless

  • Seth and Levi Hamlin. students

  • colleen tester. our thoughts and prayers are with you

  • Garry Kappmeier. History will never forget Flight 93 - NJ, USA

  • Ruth Fielder. God Bless these heroes and their families!!!

  • Toni Reitter. Kenai, Alaska, USA --- God Bless You All!

  • Connie. thank you from Oregon City, OR


  • Donna P. Flight 93 are our true heros god be with you all

  • sherrie mcguire. god bless you an your families

  • Butch Johnson. Your courage & sacrifice will inspire Americans forever! "Thank YOU" just doesn't say enough!

  • Joe Welda. God bless you and your families

  • Olivia Welda. God bless you and your families

  • Beverly Welda. God bless you and your families

  • Dave Achord. You and you families are forever in our hearts

  • Loretta Achord. You and you families are forever in our hearts

  • Iris Achord. God bless you and your families

  • Kerstin Achord. You and you families are forever in our hearts

  • Milburn Achord. God bless you and your families

  • Landin Bencaz. You and you families are forever in our hearts

  • David Bencaz. You are in my prayers

  • Meaghin Bencaz. You and you families are forever in our hearts

  • Brandin Bencaz. You are forever in our hearts

  • Michelle Bencaz. Louisiana has you in our hearts

  • Laura. I'd like to thank the true heros in all this, and wish all the best to their families and friends.

  • Mary Ellen Sullivan. My heart hurts for you.

  • Cynthia And Garey Sharpe. We will never forget

  • Barbara Kiley. I can't express how much I Thank You. You are my heros.

  • Kathy Baugh.

  • Tami Clifford. Engineering Assistant in the 3 World Trade Center Building in Portland OR.

  • Craig D. Your courage is an inspiration to us all! We will not forget you!

  • Linda L. - Salem, Oregon. The people of the United States, will not forget September, 11 - EVER! You are true heros,

  • Scott Isenhart. Heroes, one and all!

  • Abba Felps. LPN, Louisiana Our prayers are with you in this time of great sorrow

  • juanita lauderman. may god bless you all

  • Erin- Kansas. "UNITED" Flight 93 says it all. Let's follow their lead. Show the terrorists what "UNITED" means to us

  • Brenda. My deepest sympathy to each of the families for your loss.

  • Kara & Stewart Armstrong-WV. YOU WILL BE AVENGED!!! LETS ROLL AMERICA!!!!!

  • Dave - Boston. Thank-you for your courage. You are Ture Hereos to all of America!

  • Cindy Phillips. North Carolina/Our family is keeping your families in our daily prayers.

  • Jessi Mischke. Phoenix, AZ. Your courage has united our country, and made us proud to be Americans! Thank you...

  • jeff ruth. god bless the people like these heroes who live in this great country

  • Jackie. Slidell, LA.

  • Lois. Buildings may fall, America will stand because of people like you

  • VS, Canada. You are heroes, thank you.

  • Brian B. Tomlinson. In courage find peace.

  • Colonel John Hannibal Smith. Me and mine will spend the rest of our lives, making sure you and yours did not live and die in vain.

  • Janine Alfirevic.

  • El, Flight Attendant.

  • John&Mary Summers. We now know what 'Give me liberty or give me death' means. Thank You

  • Hicks and Girdler family. thank you for everything, you shall be rewarded in the afterlife

  • Jay Moss. bloomington , Illinois

  • The Charles Gallagher Family.

  • Michelle. God bless you and your families

  • Peggy Hand & Mona Ferando.

  • Cynthia Hassell. What courage! What heroes! What an inspiration!

  • [email protected]. my deepest sympathy to you & yours

  • Anonymous. Hold your heads high, America is grateful to you.

  • Faye Castillo. sales asst.Dalton Ga. God will keep you through this all.


  • Bonnie From wa state. your rememberd

  • Pam. Flight Attendant.

  • shana23. angels on your shoulders

  • Ernestine D. Dixon's Family, California. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • KK Nelson. United Airlines Pilot /San Francisco

  • Chad Thomas. Student, Orlando Florida, Thought and Prayers with you

  • Ruth Oveland. Retired Nurse, California

  • Angi Dopp. mother, student, & blessed to live in the USA

  • Kathy A. from Iowa. Thank you, every person on that plane is a true hero. They won't be forgotten. God bless you all.

  • Alicia D.. You can be proud!!!!

  • Amanda. the heroes on flight 93 are just about the only thing giving me hope through all this.

  • Michelle. GOD BLESS YOU~

  • GOD BLESS YOU. We keep you in our hearts and prayers. May the lord be with you and yours!

  • Lisa Wilkinson. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of these HEROES...God Bless You All!

  • tasha poumele. you are all heroes to us all...thank you. and we love you.......

  • Ishah. Flight Attendant. praying for all the loved ones of these heroes

  • Ken Covey. The thoughts, prayers, and especially thanks of a nation are with you.

  • destinee. our prayers are with you in texas

  • Carolyn Dominick. Our prayers & thoughts are with you!

  • vwt.

  • Ben Wagner. occupation/Pilot

  • Richard & Donia Hammel - Charlotte, NC. Thank you for showing everyone what makes Americans, Americans. God bless America!

  • Chritoppher and Carol Graham and Family, Hutchinson, Kanasas. May God bless your souls and your families find peace in your heroic act!!!!

  • Randy Kittinger. Colorado. Heroes All. Thanks

  • Linda Collins. God Bless, America and thank you for strong, proud Americans like those on this flight

  • Eric Shea. Dearborn, MI---That was the most heroic act I can ever imagine. You won't be forgotten.

  • Frank Clarke. These are the real heroes of 9-11: they did this for love of those they did not even know.

  • Christi Daugherty. My prayers are with you, be proud of your heros!!

  • Barb Finnegan. May God, through the prayers of Our Lady, Patroness of the USA, grant peace and rest to the "heroes"

  • Lindsey Leigh, Louisiana-God Bless, You hold a special place in our hearts!.

  • Douglas L Setzer. Assembler printing printing presses,tears for loss-tears of pride true American values!

  • Melanie Zeringue. Baton Rouge Louisiana. You will always be remembered for your courage!

  • Judy & Sue Pippins. Portland Oregon

  • Valerie Tomsic. I still cry each day over this atrocity.Hope it helps you to know that others are thinking of you.

  • Floyd. I only hope that I can show the same courage under fire as you - God Bless You and your families ...

  • Scott P. (Doc) Williams. Elmira, NY Board of Directors PSG Computers (former Army pilot)

  • John Biebesheimer Jr.. Retired, Northern WI.

  • Esteban Rosberg. Consutltant, from Argentina. Their example will serve the purpose of dissuading future criminals.

  • Tim Pool. We will never forget them ...

  • Virginia Peary. I wish that I could have known them! THEY are the BRAVEST people that ever lived in the 20th century.

  • Regina Lugo. God Bless each and everyone one of you, know that you are not alone in your grief ...

  • Anonymous. God Bless the families and give them strength! From NJ

  • Christina Esterguard. Thank God for these heroes and their courage. My prayers are with their families.

  • Jim Phillips. Thank you, and may God lift you up.

  • Patricia Corney. May God shine his face upon them and hold them if the palm of this hand.

  • lisa & jim. God Bless You & your families

  • Heidi Raven. I send my heartfelt thanks to you and heartfelt sympathies to your families. God Bless!

  • Eugene Minkler. Thank you and God bless each and every one of you.

  • anna s. stockholm, sweden

  • Brendan K Callahan (Grinnell, IA). Goddess Bless!

  • Colleen McMullen. Xerox Corp. God Bless You all

  • Carol McMullan. Baton Rouge, LA

  • Crystal Saffold.

  • Vicki & Randy. May your loved ones left behind always hold their heads high with pride!

  • Brenda - Plymouth, MA. Our prayers are with each of you who have lost. Heros are each of you!


  • Evan and Jennifer.

  • Lynda & Duane Smith & Family.

  • Mark and Cathy Sullivan. Such a gift ... to sacrifice yourself to save others and the freedom we all cherish!

  • Marci. Schaumburg, IL-I saw a new sign this morning, on the way into work, it read, "AMERICA, Let's Roll!"

  • Myrna, Oregon. America is grateful. God give you peace.

  • Sue McIntyre. I am very proud to be an American and wish to thank those that gave their lives for the USA

  • Tracy - Louisiana. You are all true heros to America!!!

  • Tommy Jordan.

  • Tedd Potts. We've taken your inspired lead. Let's roll!

  • Mike Friedman. Congrats Joe - You ZERO's the checkpoint!

  • Rui Nunes. Head of Business Department - Universidade Portucalense - Oporto - Portugal

Note: Inappropriate entries may be removed.

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The Web space for UnitedHeroes.com is donated by The Henry Hazlitt Foundation. Click here for ways you can get involved.