- susan kay byrd. waitress/fairbanks,ak. god bless you all
- Karen Taylor. Thank You. GOD will watch over your families and will remain in my heart.
- Bob Hunt. We love you and God Bless. Bring on the revival and love of Jesus Christ Himself.
- Loraine W. Boaz. Yanceyville, NC
- Charles Morris, Tennessee. "Greater love hath no man than this..."
- anonymous. God bless you
- Bonnie K. Ley. It could have been my family instead of yours. My heart and prayers are with you.
- Ted Eaton and Dianne Portz. Your loved ones will be remembered for their courage, and our children finally have real heros!
- John J. Campala.
- Tom Falciglia. Thank you for your heroism.
- Kathleen Allspaw. Forever indebted to the heroes of flight 93. I won't forget what they did for me and my family!
- Jackie Worthington. San Francisco, CA.
- Erika Kovalick. I cry with You and honor the Heroes and You, their grieving families!
- Arlina St.Pierre(smith). house wife/writer -- for all of you who are grieving, my prayers go out to you all.
- Debbie Greenwald Fairview, PA. Thank You! You stand for freedom and may we shall follow your example.
- LILLIAN HORTON. There is no greater sacrifice than this. Thank you and God Bless your families
- davidson lalsie. electrician, petrotrin, trinidad & tobago
- Sara Groves, Alabama. What a wonderful example these courageous people have set for us! Gold Bless their souls.
- Tim, Robyn and Victoria Huson. Corona, CA We honor your loved ones for their courage and selflessness in the face of such evil.
- Kim Chung. God Bless
- Peggy Krahenbuhl.
- Cathrine. Norway
- James & Donna Egner. May God Bless each and everyone of you. Also, know that God is with you as he was your loved ones.
- Donna.
- Rick Barney. There is no higher honor...the ultimate sacrifice!
- Carrington Silva. High School Student; SA, Tx. GOD BLESS YOU!
- Judy, Chuck & McGinniss. Our prayers & thoughts go out with you all.
- Margo Demers. Your loved ones have shown a nation what true heroism is. May God bless all of you.
- Jimmy Matthews. Teachey, NC
- Jeff & Andrea Fetterman, Iowa. You are all heroes to us and may the Lord give comfort to your loved ones.
- Lea A. Walker. Plymouth, IL
- Lou Ann and family. God bless and keep you.
- Leeann Felbaum. God Bless all of you, and may you find comfort in his love.
- M.Leighton-Maine. My thoughts are with you
- Chase Powell. Martinez, CA. My heart and soul aches for your loss, may you find comfort in the love of us all.
- MSN- California. May God hold you and your families in the hollow of his hand.
- The Dahlgren Family - Napa, CA .
- Joan Markham. These people have not given their lives, instead their lives were taken from them. God Bless Us All
- linda.
- Kim Williams, Concord, CA. They where truly Gods children doing Gods work. They have taught so much to so many.
- Dawn Andrews. You are true heros, each and everyone.
- Cherry S. Cortese.
- Thomas Byrne.
- Neil & Kay Brown.
- The McNichols Family, Chgo, Il. May the Lord bless you and keep you and give you the strength to get throught these difficult days.
- Christy S.. North Carolina.
- Kelley. You have all graduated from the school of life with honors. Thank you~
- Robin Bauerly. from macomb IL, Our prayers are with you.
- Thalia. from Canada, God Bless you and God Bless America and President Bush
- anonymous. I am praying for all those who lost their lives and for our nation to pull together through this.
- KMB. from PA - who knows how many lives you saved?
- anonymous. I'm praying for all of you.
- Phyllis Rudd Mincey. Raleigh, NC
- Lori Goclowski. From MI. God Bless the heroes and those who loved them!
- Sharon S. Cavinss. Greensboro, NC
- Mark (AZ). Thank you for courage! You are true American heroes!
- Chrostopher M. Serrone. I am a soldier. I know what it means to give your life in defense of the lives of others. Thank you!
- Rich Ward. Stand Up and Be Counted. We are proud of you. Freedom is not free, never has been.
- Cherie Lee. Your families can be so proud! You made the ultimate sacrifice for Liberty!
- B. L. Sparkman. Our prayers are with you.
- Brad Dyjak. We will defend the very principles you sacrificed yourselves for! God Bless.
- Dolores Ippolito. Las Vegas, Nevada
- ann peters. Thank you for showing us what true patriotism and self sacrifice are. One can only hope to have as much courage.
- Cliff Tomplait (Houston, Texas). COURAGE against EVIL - an American blessing and heritage.
- Sharon DeIuliis. Thank You!
- Teresa Rogers.
- M Perritt. God Bless
- Mike Renzulli. Mesa, Arizona. God Bless you and your families. Your courageous acts will not be forgotten.
- Deborah de Santos. Thank you for deciding your integrity was more important than your personal life.
- Bryan K. Walton. Words can't state my admiration of your acts on Sept. 11. I can only hope that I would be as brave.
- Nancy. The courage, love, sacrifice, and devotion to country displayed by the individuals on Flight 93 stand
- Susanna D.. I am completely awestruck by the bravery of the people on Flight 93. "Thank you" is too little...
- Cailin Yost "Monkey". Stroudsburg, Pa. I'm am a 11 year old 6th grader that watched the whole thing on the news at school
- Thomas Kimble. Retired Fire Chief.
- Diana Deal. I'll never forget.
- anonymous. "For he to-day that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother" --Henry V
- Bonnie Parrish. Zebulon, NC
- A FAITHFUL BELIEVER. May GOD bless you all, My prayers are with you all.
- a grateful patriot. baltimore, md
- Candace - Illinois. Please know our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
- Astra & Will. Raleigh, NC
- Jo Page Sicz. Yanceyville, North Carolina
- Alex Wild. Scotland
- Richard Alan Suchy Jr.
- James P. Marquart. May you have hope, health and happiness in God's love, honor and glory untill you meet in heaven.
- Paul. Financial Advisor
- Derek. AR- These men and women were true American heroes. We all owe them a great debt of gratitude.
- SiNSy Moon. Ms Kentucky Leather 2001
- Dominique, in AWE from Lille, France. An example fr us all & our thoughts go to their families: we grieve with you,you can be proud of them
- Zach Cain. Davenport,Ia
- joseph bianchino. meat cutter
- Betty Pelton. Silver Spring, MD
- Daniel Wade Sparkman. God Bless You
- Adam P. Fox. Fort Wayne, Indiana God Bless
- fog.
- Claudine Monaco. words cannot express ... god bless you
- GH. Student
- Mark Kutzbach. student
- Joan the courier. Santa Maria Calif.
- Jim Robinette. Crawford West Va
- Barbara Law, Danville, VA. Thank You, for all your courage. May God Bless your families.
- Linda LaRock. Argyle, NY
- jan & bill scotts, AZ. give prayers to the families & survivors make every day a day we are proud to live in freedom god bless
- Barbara Law. May God Bless all the families
- Margot Miller. School librarian from North Florida. It is hopefully some comfort to you that your loved ones had the ...
- Caleb O. Brown. Millions of people have been inspired by your heroism.
- Sommer Olson-Ross. Even though I did not know any of the 44 people I Thank you, for saving me & my family!
- LILLIAN HORTON. There is no greater sacrifice than this. Thank you and God Bless your families
- Dawn, west-central Illinois. God Bless America
- Barbara Ray. Your bravery brought you into the arms of the angels who were waiting..... Martinez, CA
- Karen Ellis. We are all so proud of the people you already knew were special.
- Peggy Krahenbuhl. I would like to think I'd have the courage that these 44 people did in facing their imminent death.
- Larry Goulart, Abington, PA. If only everybody would show the same heroism. My deepest condolences.
- Cassandra S..
- Donna B.. Santa Clara, CA
- tyler ross brewer, air force rotc. prayers with the families of these brave and courageous americans
- Roger C. Adkins. Systems Analyst, Library of Congress, Washington D.C.
- SHANNON BRYSON: ISAIAH 66:13. " As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem.
- Scott Shreckhise. Roanoke, VA
- sharon. sharkay20@webtv.net
- Lana Ashley. We as a nation will never forget the ultimate sacrifice of flight 93. God Bless you all. USA
- Elizabeth Hickam. I can only hope I would have the courage they did; they're my heroes.
- Paul A. Stevens, Sr/. Retired, Saratoga Springs, NY
- Chris. Thank you
- Laurie Gonterman. Sunnyvale, CA. Thank you
- Hanson Family - Redmond, WA. We are extremely sorry about what happened to your loved ones.
- Diane Kibbey. Thank You. True heroes
- Korynn Neil. California
- Darlene Strickland. God will take care of his angels on flight 93. Thank you and know you are loved by america.
- Alice. My heart goes out to you.
- Bob Ferguson. Martinez, CA God blessed your loved ones as he guided their actions. May they live in history.
- Sharon Grant-Pittsburg, CA. As they all dance with the angels may they help us all walk in peace and harmony.
- Maria Teresa Borrego. I pray that you be granted strength to endure your great loss. With love.
- Sharon Armstrong. Palisade, Colorado
- B Yang Martinez, California.
- Jill. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you
- Denise Renee Farkas. May God pour his blessing upon your families.
- Meg C.. Your loved ones are truly heros.
- DCL from PA. I hope you take comfort in the knowledge that their bravery and selflessness saved so many.
- Melissa Binkley. May God give you strength to carry on and pride in the heroes our country has come to know.
- CAROL from Kentucky. Everyone on that plane was a hero and is now with God. At peace.
- The Shics. God is great
- Doug Higgins. "I have fought the good fight, I have stayed the course, I have kept the faith" 2 Timithoy 4:7
- Lu Eddy. What else can I say..."Thank You"
- Pamela. Your in my Prayers
- Mihir Desai. Thanks for kicking some terrorist a** and preventing further deaths. You will be remembered as heroes.
- William M. Burd.
- George Berger. Heartfelt thanks go out to the brave individuals who showed the world this can never happen again.
- Steven Potter. They are lost to us in body but their courageous spirit will warm hearts forever.
- Jane Mongomery. I pray that when my 6 year old grandson studies the tragedy of Sept. 11, he will fully understand.
- Ann Marie F. and Michael Van Vooren. Turning our energy towards positive actions enables everyone to overcome the tradgedy.
- D. Stevens - Be proud of your heroes who knew "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
- ann peters. one can only hope to have as much courage.
- Jeff Rowell. As one great person said, the greatest sacrifice is to sacrifice yourself for the life of another.
- The Kuehn Family. Thank you for your heroism. We will not forget.
- you did not die in vain ... thank you for saving us from further damange. GOD BLESS ALL WHO HELPED AND ARE NOT HERE AND THE ONES WHO ARE STILL HELPING! GREENVILLE,NY
- The Acquavella Family. People like you make us proud to be Americans!
- The Donovan Family. Las Vegas, NV. Thank you for your courage. You are truly our heroes!
- Will Lee. There is not greater love that laying your life for others. Thank you all of you on Flight 93. You w
- Melvin Duus. Photographer, Mesquite, Texas
- Nancy Scott-Price. The love, courage, sacrifice, and devotion displayed by those on Flight 93 will never be forgotten.
- Nancy.
- Anonymous. Thank you so much for your help! You have made a big difference! from an 11 year old!
- John & Kay Kielbowick. Dysart, Penna. They are all angels in our in our hearts. God Bless each and everyone of them.
- Betsy Willick. God Bless!
- Pamela Adair. Thank God for heroes and that he places them where we need them.
- The Koenig Family. Indiana. In the words of President Lincoln, "They gave their last full measure of devotion."
- Cheryl S. Austin, TX. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, the families of these courageous individuals.
- Bonnie Parrish, Zebulon, NC. Thoughts and prayers are with you.
- megan dingwell.
- Sharon & Denis Chavez & Family, Illinois. With Much Gratitude, hoping you all will find peace in their memories.
- anonymous.
- Nona Dominguez, San Dimas, CA. May God bless you and your families. Our nation is grateful for your sacrifice. We will never forget
- Glenda 5K Teacher.
- Pat & Al Emery.
- Brenda M. Thompson. The heroic deeds of your loved ones will live on forever in history. You are in my prayers.
- Peykan. Pilot/Phoenix - God Bless and thank you
- suzanne a. andrus from basile, la. may God Bless you and keep you
- Kris. NJ-thank you
- Angela New York, New York. student
- Bill Paradise. Arlington, TX
- Michael John Gadient. Davenport IA
- Rhonda Jockisch. Thank you for your bravery. You have given us all an example to follow.
Note: Inappropriate entries may be removed.