United Heroes

On September 11, 2001 the world witnessed one of the most horrific criminal acts in human history.

We lost many great people that day, and many people exhibited great heroism. Other important memorials are being created to honor these heroes. This memorial is devoted specifically to the people of United Flight 93 who courageously took control of their destiny and stopped the terrorists from using their plane as another weapon.

Please help us remember these 44 individuals and what they did for us.

  • Angelo Adrian Miu. Lawyer, Bucharest - They are heroes; God bless them; other words are useless.

  • Sue Wakefield. If there is an afterlife, I look forward to meeting you all some day.

  • Kathy Tucker.

  • Michael Fagan.

  • Chase. Cleveland Ohio. i dont know what to say except thank you.

  • Abe Socher. Dept. of Religion, Oberlin College

  • Kaye Downing. You are all in our prayers. God bless you.

  • larry hecht. you should be very proud of the courage of your loved ones who saved many lives by their courage.

  • Lefty. artist

  • Dan'elle Davis & Family.

  • F. Nogarin-Fort Smith, NT Canada- Thank you. It is often lamented as to how a few can make a big difference. The 44 people aboard F-93 did.

  • L Maddox - Georgia. No words can express my sorrow. May God bless your families and bring you soothing peace.

  • Brent Williams. Thank you and GOD bless each and everyone one of you.

  • Dan Summerville.. Managing Director, CPE / Singapore / --They did good.

  • Reece Byrd.

  • Walter Brush. UAB Medical Center

  • the johnson's. god bless you

  • Jeffery P Hodgson. New Bethlehem Pa 16242. God bless. How many lives did you SAVE? We can only imagine!

  • The Fautt Family. We couldn't be more proud of the bravery of these Americans.

  • Dick Bell. Captain/Pilot/retired

  • Sandi C. Riverside, CA

  • Kirk Doss. God Bless You

  • Margaret Morrissey. Love grows the closer to death we get, I love more than ever because of your loss.

  • jrt. you are in our hearts and prayers. They will live in our memory forever as heroes.

  • Rene Jenkins, Jennifer and Kelsey Smith and Jason Wilson, Piedmont, SC. God takes curse provisions and turns them into blessings. You will all be blessed abundantly!

  • Jack Hickey. Washington DC "Let's Roll"

  • The Casazza Family. Pembroke Pines Fl.

  • anonymous. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • Melissa Clemens, Columbus GA. Thank you all so very very much.

  • mb. What heroes these Americans were! It is what makes me so proud to be an American! Thanks to all!

  • KimDeRose. Charleston, SC

  • Robbi Cappiello. All aboard Flight 93. Thank You and you will always be in my prayers, along with the families.

  • Scott, Amy, Rainey & Jacob Hoyle. Lula, Ga. God Bless!!

  • Jared. Man hath no greater love than to give his life for a friend. Thank you.

  • Frank Dwyer. the fortitude shown,in the face of evil,will always occupy a part of my mind as an inspiration.

  • Carl Metzger. Thank You and God bless you

  • Neville Boner. South Africa

  • Teddy. God bless you

  • Kerstin Impelmann. I cant find the right words helping the families, but I�ll always spend my mind for them.

  • Nick Peruzzini. Thank you for defending America in its time of need. You all will never be forgotten.

  • Mona Brown. God bless

  • Donna Talley. The passengers of Flight 93 are true heroes.

  • Jerry Couch. The spirit of America lives in the actions of these courageous individuals who gave all.

  • Rod in Denver. you're in our hearts we will never forget you

  • Maeve Fogarty. Syracuse, NY

  • Steve Hass. from a Gulf War vet who made it home: thank you ... God bless you ... and I salute you.

  • Kathy Malick. Harlem, Ga.

  • Jeff Strobel. for your valient hearts.

  • Michael Morrison. Journalist

  • Cindy Burlington Vermont. My heart goes out to all the families who lost loves ones.

  • Cathy in Ohio. Of all those we have lost ... they have all earned their wings for saving others.

  • God Bless, Joe, Pam, Jeff, Brandi, and Emily DeCamp. You all displayed the best that humans can on this earth, giving your lives so that others could live.

  • Patricia and James Baldwin. Unarmed but fearless in the face of death, these men and women died so others might live. Be Proud!

  • Ed & Renee Sacco & Family. Real Estate Agents, DeSoto, MO. May God Bless You.

  • Craig Chapman. brave current and former athletes took control and became heroes.

  • Sulemanji family. houston

  • Sonia B.

  • The Crandall Family from North Carolina. Our prayers are with you each and every day ... God Bless You

  • Rhonda Dorshimer. Laborer Lehighton, Pa

  • Joy Andrews, El Dorado Hills, CA. Their sacrifice and bravery will always be remembered. God Bless You.

  • wendy. woodbridge, nj

  • Suzanne, Thomas and Caroline Carpenter. mother, 7 year old twins, Oviedo, FL

  • isabel gonzales. business owner, Raton, New Mexico-Thank you for such bravery and for your acts of love and concern!

  • Monique Wilson. Rockville, MD

  • Sylvia Olson,. farmer, journalist and mother: Bravery is doing what needs to be done even when you're scared.

  • anonymous. Please understand the deep sadness I feel that any of this ever happened, and my deepest respect

  • Robert Kondrk, Mountain View, CA. Thank you for your heroism.

  • Angela. You all are in my prayers and May God be with you all.

  • Hope Marie. Oswald age 10. I'm praying for you. (Bluffs, IL)


  • Cookie Bartfeld. Your loss is ours as well. Our prayers are with all of you.

  • Sharlene Plyler Perez. Social Worker, Del Rio, Texas

  • Douglas Williams. Middletown, NY

  • Barbara Wright. Kansas. God be with all of us in the USA. Thank you for being so brave and saving so many more lives.

  • Stan Bass & family/ FL. Your loss has become the nation's loss too

  • Bebe F.. God be with you all- Thank you

  • steve.

  • Alexei Jernov. You are true heroes. Thank you.

  • macjam. Thanks

  • kathy collins. thank you to everyone and may God bless you and the family that have lost their loved ones.

  • Mr. & Mrs. Tony Neal. Tennessee. God bless the innocents who died, their families, and our nation.

  • Robert M. Bernier. We thank you and pray for you and your families.

  • Kay Carnuccio. I thank you and pray for you and your families ... You were all heroes in our eyes. From Hills of Pa.

  • Nina Boal. Thanks for your heroism from a Federal worker.

  • P. Grant. Dallas, TX

  • The Williams Family.

  • Fred J. Thompson U.S.A.. To give your life so that others will live is to walk in the shoes of Jesus. For this I bow And PRAY.

  • Robert Charles Van Orden, Literary Poet -. Pls. read my "OPEN LETTER TO AMERICA": request a free copy by emailing [email protected].

  • Per non dimenticare.

  • Coll Marshall (Aus). People acting on principles are an inspiration to all.

  • Kathy Royce. They are real heroes. God bless them and their families.

  • Kevin Garber.

  • Donna S.. My sincere sympathy to the families of the families of the heroes on United flight 93

  • Cyndi Paris. Your lives were lost, but many lives were saved. Thank you for your ultimate sacrifice.

  • Tim Heald. Thank You

  • Deborah Smith.

  • MICHAEL DOUGHTY. I am proud to call these people Americans.

  • Dennis R. Roberts. Honolulu/ They died on their own terms, defying the terrorists.

  • phroGg ^'''^.

  • David Socher. G-d Bless America

  • Dea Smith. There are no words . . .

  • Kerri. Australia. My thoughts and prayers are with your families. You were all heroes and will never be forgotten.

  • Thom Freismuth.

  • Luanne Myers & James Alff. Bellingham, WA

  • Lisa Labelle Hull Quebec.

  • Reece Byrd.

  • Scott. God Bless You All!

  • The Sacco Family. Our hearts and prayers go out to the families of all the heroes on Flight 93

  • With love'.... Tu Omnis Mihi Es

  • Chris Hopkin. Student, University of Cincinnati

  • J.R. Barlow. heroes are born from desperate times.

  • Karen Brogan, Attorney, Indianapolis, Indiana.

  • Dusty, Brandon, and Wyatt. God be with you and Bless you

  • Jeffrey E. Sayles.

  • John, Jeannie, and Jordan Vonderbrink. America will never forget the sacrifice. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Lawrence, KS

  • K. Rockwell. Our love and prayers are daily with you and yours. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten. afice

  • Cecil & Lola Peck. Blairsville, GA

  • Rene Jenkins, Jennifer and Kelsey Smith and Jason Wilson, Piedmont, SC. God takes curse provisions and turns them into blessings. You will all be blessed abundantly!

  • Renee M. Branam. May God Bless You and Your Entire Family!

  • Alecia Sanders, NC. God Bless and Thank You.

  • Julieanna Marvin. God bless you and keep you in His loving care.

  • Karen Michael. God only knows how many lives you've saved.....Thank You

  • Eric Krumm, webdev. Athens, Georgia. we appreciate your contibution to liberty, we are eternaly thankful.

  • mitch singer. thank you for taking the lives of those trying to take American lives...

  • sue barker. thank you

  • Michael Karash. The heroes of Flight 93 and their families paid a very heavy price so that we may be spared

  • Linda Owings. CA. You will forever live on in the hearts of all America, Thank God for hero's like you!

  • William Sharma. British Columbia, Canada, ...

  • Linda W. from WA state. May God Bless You All

  • Jeremy and Kristin Peterson. All we can say is Thanks and God Bless! Piney Flats, TN

  • Jeff & Linda. God Bless the heroes on board Flight 93. God Bless America!

  • Deborah Stalter. Registered Nurse, God Bless you and keep you safely in HIS Care.

  • Wynelle M. Hand, Adel, Georgia. Our prayers are with you all. Know you are not alone. God Bless.

  • DSR. Be proud of your heroic family members. We should be humbled by their courage. God bless.

  • Carmella Cammarota. You live in our hearts.

  • Jim & Lois Acheson. Canada

  • True Patriots. The Founders Of This Country Would Be Proud. God Bless.

  • Linda Martin. God Bless You All

  • John Cooper Anderso, In.

  • Haley, California. You showed to best that people can be, we shall never forget your sacrafice.

  • Peggy B. Michigan

  • Bill S.. Your selflessness aand courage are an inspiration to all Americans. God Bless You!

  • Bill Polack. You refelct the spirit of our country.

  • melinda droulia. Pittsburgh, PA - Thank you for your bravery & selfless act of courage - God Bless.

  • Elaine. Wisconsin. Heroes are ordinary people who do extraordinary things. God Bless!

  • Dan. You guys saved lives, knowing that yours will soon end. Thank you! and God Bless

  • Bivens family, Carlisle, PA.

  • sharon fouch. Indiana, thoughts and prayers

  • Harry. Katonah, NY

  • John & Darcy Spitzer. Clinton IA, Your bravery will never be forgotten

  • Joy Andrews, El Dorado Hills, CA. Their sacrifice and bravery will always be remembered. God Bless You.

  • Mark Strope. Lugoff S.C. I will never forget their sacrifice and your sorrow,

  • Denise Morton-Lawrenceville, GA. God Bless Ya'll !

  • Katherine. I am so sorry.

  • Tracy S. Wood, Wilmington, NC. God Bless you and your family. You will remain in my prayers. Thank you.

  • Dave & Diane Hobson. God Bless you for your sacrifice

  • Cindy & Jeff Solomon, New York. Your loved ones saved countless lives. Our hearts are saddened by grief but also full of pride.

  • Andrew P. May, Tallahassee, FL. It is heartening to know that real heroes still do exist. Thanks.

  • Cathy Rhea. God Bless You..

  • kayleen. God Grant you Peace! God Bless from us here in Maryland!

  • R. Zeke Fread Tampa FL. In Their Memory http://tampabaycoalition. homestead.com/wtc2.html

  • Robin Brown. West Wendover NV. Thank you for your selfless act of courage on the most fateful day in our history. Rest in peace....

  • Ed and Debbie Ferone.

  • Timmy Ramsay.


  • Alfred A. Coward. Retired. (Marriage Commissioner part time). Norfolk, Va. God Bless You.

  • Dan Edge. Greenville, SC.. Thank you for redefining courage and heroism. I hope the US avenges you and your families.

  • Rhonda R. (I'm a Pennsylvanian in TN.) These are the most courageous people! They made us all real proud!

  • Rosemary and Ed. We here in Ca. thank you all and bless you all. You make us even more proud to be Americans.

  • Alexei Jernov. You are true heroes. Thank you.

  • Wanda Coletta. A SincereThank You You're all in my prayers

  • Buffalo, NY. Thank you all.

  • Heather Chapman.

  • Regina Robinson. inventory control

  • Phillips family of Tucson, AZ. Your actions will be forever in our hearts.

  • Gayle Brown. Grateful prayers from Indianapolis, Indiana

  • anonymous.

  • Chris Wendt Savannah, Georgia. God Bless each and every soul on Flight 93. Your courageous actions will never be forgotten.


  • Penny Dailey La Crescenta, CA. Forever grateful.

  • Joyce B. South Bend,Ind.. In your terrible loss try to take comfort in the heroic sacrifice of your loved ones

  • Andy McDonald. I hope there is some consolation in knowing that you loved ones died defending their countrymen.

  • Don. Nashville Tn. May GOD bless them and the families

  • Tonya Michelle Wood, N.C.. Thank God for heroes who were brave and selfless!

  • Kaitlyn Covey. I am in 3rd grade and I am 8 years old. Thank you to the heroes and bless the families.

  • The Castile Family. Fire Department, Corinth, Ms ... God Bless Each and Everyone of you, all of you are "Real Heroes"

  • Richard Lake. To the heros from all of us at www.DrugSense.org. Thank You!

  • lawrie hamilton. you have helped make our nation proud, we will not forget the love you have taught us to share.

Note: Inappropriate entries may be removed.

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The Web space for UnitedHeroes.com is donated by The Henry Hazlitt Foundation. Click here for ways you can get involved.