United Heroes

On September 11, 2001 the world witnessed one of the most horrific criminal acts in human history.

We lost many great people that day, and many people exhibited great heroism. Other important memorials are being created to honor these heroes. This memorial is devoted specifically to the people of United Flight 93 who courageously took control of their destiny and stopped the terrorists from using their plane as another weapon.

Please help us remember these 44 individuals and what they did for us.

  • Mary Lage. 911 Dispatcher, God Bless You, From All of us in Macomb Illinois

  • Lori Muller. My heartfelt sympathy and gratitude to the people of UA93. They will forever remain an inspiration.

  • dlcurry. London, OH

  • Robert LaGesse. Proudly signed - Tulsa OK

  • Bob Ogus. God Bless Them All ...

  • anonymous. Odessa, Texas. God bless you all.

  • carl & cathie morelli. Maui, Hawaii. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS! GREAT BRAVERY AND COURAGE IS ALL AROUND US ...

  • Laurel & R.D. Gregory . Abilene, TX - To the families, May God bless & comfort you in your sorrow. They are truly heros

  • Gary, Michele,Gary M., Cody & Joshua. God Bless America we are praying for you. Thank you.

  • Captain R. G. McFadden, USNR, Master Mariner.


  • "anonymous". There is no greater love than to give your life for another. We are blessed because of those acts.

  • anonymous. Cincinnati, Ohio. God Bless us all

  • May remember flight 93 be our battle cry as remember the alamo was once

  • Scott. Rittman, OH. Thank you and God bless

  • Tim Burke USMC. God Bless those who saved unknown number of lives, I wish I could say more.

  • Micheal horn. Columbus, OH. God bless

  • FREDA COOK. May God be with you all

  • FRANK VANCE. God bless everyone

  • Sandra K.. The difference was, you had information the other flights didn't and refused to die unfree.

  • Erik Goransson. Johnson City TN. Thank You.

  • Trish, Ontario, Canada. Thank you. May God Bless you and your families.

  • Jim Graham. Bellevue WA When Todd Beamer said "let's roll" the war on terrorism began. We will not let you down.

  • Doris Martin, Central FL. We are proud of you and Proud to be AMERICAN!

  • Nita Robinson. Atlanta. Let's never forget the brave souls who took authority over the enemy!

  • Tim Forzly, Libertarian. we pledge our lives our property and our sacred honor to the cause of liberty. Thank you

  • Walter Foddis. Student, Canada. Your loved ones taught us the meaning of courage. Be proud of them; I am.

  • anonymous.

  • JW Dixon and Family. So. California. God Bless America ... thank you for your selfless heroics

  • Carole Mathy. Thank you for your heroic example to all of us.

  • Carrie S.. God Bless all of you!!!

  • Judy Stone. Nurse "Thanks for showing the rest of the world that we will fight for our freedom

  • kerry and ramona, justine nicholas maillette. pinconning, michigan 48650

  • The McPartland Family. May God be with you in this time of sorrow. God bless the heroes of Flight 93.

  • ella,troy and veronica. galesburg IL

  • Tammy & Rick Browning. My Prayers and Thoughts is with all the AMERICAN HEROES. And may GOD BLESS each of you.

  • Jill Curtis. God Bless You

  • Paige Allen. I've never been prouder of being American!

  • Pete & Jackie Webber. God Bless America and Americans

  • Barb Quantrille. God Bless America

  • Donna Havens. Day Care Provider

  • Helen Chase Denver CO. Thank You!

  • kimberly and michael.

  • Heriberto Montalvo. New York - your courage will always be remembered

  • david m. o'connor. How inspiring to have so convincingly demonstrated the "I" is not the most important word or person

  • Christopher and Lisa Woodard. Software Designer / stay-at-home-Mom

  • Maria Dolores Due�as.Espa�a.

  • jesus bernardo vazquez gonzalez.

  • Jeanetta Holcey. God Bless


  • Lisa Greenwood. Peace and love to you

  • joan eby. thank you. you were are true american heroes.

  • Jane Bucher. May God be with you

  • TOMMY VANCE. Charlotte, NC


  • Jim Marcum. U.S.Air Force

  • Eric Smith. EMS Helicopter Pilot Oh that I can live up to the example these heroes gave us! THANK YOU!

  • Jason and Shannon Adams. God Bless

  • Camellia Ann McCormick. God Bless the Heroes and their families, we will forever be indebted.


  • Duane Cochran. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. The legacy lives!

  • Bob Sapp. God Bless

  • Melissa Breedlove. Colorado, Bless all of the families and bless America

  • Madeline Cornett.

  • christy Flanagan. Thank you for your sacrifices. I AM PROUD TO KNOW THAT I LIVED IN A TIME OF REAL HEROES

  • Henry Hinkins. Freedom is a fragile tree and unfortunately must often be nourished with the blood of martyrs.

  • Anonymous. Retired, Cape Coral, FL. Thanks to God for you.

  • Jeff Waters. God Bless those!

  • Debra Maddox. Marshalltown IA

  • Ruth and Jack Friberg. Remember all of them with love.

  • Annette Soucy. I only hope that if I were in the same situation that I could do the same.

  • Bob and Ginny Mallon. Everyone on that plane is a HERO

  • Sherrie Kendall. Thank you and your family for your ultimate sacrifice. You loved one is a true hero.

  • Tom, Carol, Mary, Larry -- Los Angeles. We are forever in your debt for courage and bravery.

  • Jayne Cucchiara. you saved lives. thank you.

  • Frank Jamison. Owner, Jamison Enterprises, Hemet, CA

  • Matt. Cincinnati, OH. Thank You!

  • Jarod. It's too bad they had to die to show us how much we needed them.

  • douglas green.

  • John Evans. With much love and thanks. Ex Vet

  • Judy Peterson. school bus driver, Chimacum, WA. Gods blessing to each and everyone of our heros and families

  • Helen Boucher. As soon as I saw the pictures I knew what they had done, bless them, and their families.

  • Greg Shawen.

  • Sabrina, Chris, Shawn, & Grandma Dee. In our hearts you will ALLWAYS remain

  • Andy, Suzanne, Nick & Rebeca Fenselau. Mountain View, CA-- We will never forget

  • Bruce Schwall. Firefighter/Paramedic- Thanks for those who are willing to sacrafice for the good of all of us.

  • Anna M Cary. Pensacola, Fl. May the Great Spirit, the Earth Mother and the Sky Father Bless bring you PEACE.

  • L. Wilson, Ohio. Thank you for your courage and bravery. You are truly heros.

  • Artis Baskin, Sr. Retired Educator

  • Janet. May God Bless you and comfort you in your loss of your family

  • Terry Klick. L.P.N. My Heart and prayers are with you. Maybe in some unknown way they are our gaurdian angels.

  • Ralph Miele and Family. God Bless You!

  • MIchael Cox Austin Texas. God bless each one of yall and we love yall

  • Robert K. Severn. Ivyland, PA. Winston Churchill said "One ought never turn one's back on a threatened danger ..."

  • Dennis Foley.

  • The Rhodes Family. from Ulster Pa which to extend our sympathy to the the families of these angels.

  • The Sax Family of West Palm Beach. There must be a special place in heaven for everyone of them. God Bless America & the Heroes

  • april soranno, conway s.c.

  • Tom Robinson. On Monday, heroes were characters in movies. On Tuesday, we realized there were REAL ones out there.

  • Bob "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." - And thus, evil failed.

  • Joni in Virginia. A Tribute To The Heroes: http://www.geocities.com/ lyricaldreamer/Hero.htm

  • Laurie Bullaro. In the presence of true heroism, there are not enough words to say "THANK YOU" oxox

  • elizabeth berry. americas homeplace columbia, sc production coordinator (our prayers are continually with you)

  • anonymous. Odessa, Texas. God bless you all.

  • The Mustain family, Galesburg, IL. God gave you great strength.

  • Sue Knuth . . . Laguna Beach, Ca.. Thank you for your courage, bravery and spirit.

  • Patty T. Lakewood, CA. xoxoxoxo

  • Beth from Dallas. My heart and prayers go out to all the families.

  • Carol L. Tighe - Edward J. Tighe. May the Memory of what you 44 Devoted Americans did for us that day of Atrocity, live on. Thank-You

  • Calvin J. Hernandez. May God Bless All, May God Restore Peace, Liberty, and Justice.

  • Anne McClain. I'm in the Army, we will be called to punish these people. I carry a passenger list to remind me why.

  • Mark Malone

  • Chloe English. Thank-you SO much. They've saved so many people with their courage. You are in my prayers.

  • Mary Shuman. Midwest City, Ok. There is a special place in Heaven reserved for these courageous people.

  • Linda Claire. Thank you. You have shown by your bravery the true spirit which established the great USA.

  • Mary Ida Miller. Thank you for preforming such an unselfish act. May you all rest in peace. Newburgh, NY

  • Jacqueline Legault. Teacher from Orlando, FL originally from upstate NY

  • r hough.

  • Donna Backus. I'm praying for you

  • Jeff Daiell. Thank you for reminding us of the glory that Humankind can achieve.

  • Dennis A., Raleigh N.C.. God Bless the U.S.A.

  • lucinda jaramillo. our thought and prayers go out to all the families

  • Ken Peterson. Montana, Words are inadequate to express my admiration for these incredible American Heros.

  • anonymous. the courageous passengers on Flight 93 will serve as an inspiration to us all to stand together

  • carolyn bussey - belleville, nj. Please know that the entire country is with you and your family right now. I'm just so very sorry.

  • Dennis, Lee, and Megan Bailey. Thank you for your selfless acts of courage. May the Lord console you in your time of grief.

  • Mr & Mrs Alan D. Keller. Thank you for sharing your stories with the country. I've added "Let's roll" to my vocabulary.

  • S. Donaldson, Cottonwood, CA. Thank you for showing the world true love!

  • Leslie and Janette Blazer. Vacaville, Ca. 95688 God Bless Amercia and all the heroes


  • ramona maillette. jesus will reach down and touch those in sorrow

  • God Bless America Memorial. America Salutes You!

  • Melvin and Miriam Pethel. May the Lord bless you in your time of heartache.

  • montana wants.com. we are greatful! MONTANA WANTS


  • Pete & Jackie Webber, CA. God Bless America and Americans

  • Barb Quantrille. God Bless America

  • Bill Wands. Look to these people as heroes for what they did and prevented. Maybe we all can learn something.

  • Ellen Jamieson. These brave people are an inspiration to us all.

  • Cathy and Alyssa Morris. Beaver Falls, PA

  • Maria Dolores Due�as. Espa�a.

  • Michael, Robin,& Camden Holder. We will NEVER forget our American Heroes

  • The Swank Family. 3 miles from Shanksville, PA -- our hearts and prayers are with you all!

  • Jeanetta Holcey. God Bless

  • Greg Galbavy. It is comforting to know that there are still brave people who believe in duty to their fellow man.

  • Lisa Greenwood. Peace and love to you

  • Sue Barker. My prayers go out to you all

  • Frank Marcum. Greenville, SC


  • Darrell Scevers. Oregon


  • Deb from IA. THE EVIL ONE DIDN'T ANTICIPATE THEIR SUPREME RESPONSE! Only God knows future results of their love

  • Doreen Serrano. Domestic violence assessor/Florida/93 heroes restored my safety, love, and faith

  • dennis bush truck driver.

  • rona overton. God bless us all

  • Graham Hearn. Math student in Waterloo, ON, Canada

  • Fleurette Miller. We will rise above this.

  • Tim Young & Nadine Younker and Family. we send prayer and thanks to all aboard flight 93 who gave there lives to save the lives of others.

  • The "B" Family. A simple thank you from a grateful mother. God Bless and help us all.

  • Dr. Gregory L. Garamoni. Psychologist, Ponte Vedra, Florida. Your heroic courage illuminates and inspires the best within us.

  • Russ & Kelly. God Bless All Americans & Canadians

  • The Foster Family.

  • Larry Faust. Whittier, NC

  • Charles Wallner. And Family

  • E. Thompson. Retired

  • Carlos M. Burgos-Buenos Aires, Argentina. To die fighting for Liberty is the best alternative to live a good life.

  • anonymous.

  • Patrick Harless. For an amazing feat of heroism, we are indebted to you all. I am proud and inspired by your actions.

  • andy. ingolstadt (germany), i'll remember you all

  • Daniel Wahl. University Student

  • God Bless you, The Crafts Family.

  • dusty parke. To all the families: As one American to another, I'm so sorry this happened to your family.

  • Jami Mae Quartermaine. Because of the people on United Flight 93, the word "United" shall never be taken for granted again.

  • Judy Peterson. school bus driver, Chimacum, WA. Gods blessing to each and everyone of our heroes and families.

  • Jim Graham. Tucson, Arizona - Engineer - Bless your loved ones who sacrificed their own lives ...

  • Alice Brady.

  • Virgil L. Swearingen. " . . . the greatest love is shown when people lay down their lives for their friends." John 15:13.

  • Kenneth/ Automative industry. Look not every man on his own things but also on the things of others.

  • Erika Araujo. these people were real heroes

  • Lee Neas. We can't afford to forget what they did.

  • MaryAnn Vollbrecht. We will never forget you.

  • Ben Sullivan, Mattoon, IL. I hope, if the day ever comes, that I could show half the bravery and courage that you did.

  • Jim C.. Cleveland/Machinist ... "Ask not, what your country can do for you ..." John F. Kennedy 1961

  • MIchael Cox Austin Texas. God bless each one of yall and we love yall

  • Jane Daniels.

  • Richard Blauvelt. Free people everywhere are tearful and grateful for your courageous acts in defense of liberty.

  • The Harms Family. God bless all of you.

  • Charles D. Sykora. CO DALLAS; "Let's roll" will forever be a command of remembrance

Note: Inappropriate entries may be removed.

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