United Heroes

On September 11, 2001 the world witnessed one of the most horrific criminal acts in human history.

We lost many great people that day, and many people exhibited great heroism. Other important memorials are being created to honor these heroes. This memorial is devoted specifically to the people of United Flight 93 who courageously took control of their destiny and stopped the terrorists from using their plane as another weapon.

Please help us remember these 44 individuals and what they did for us.

  • Neil, New York. Thank you for helping to save countless lives

  • Attila Abelovszky. Columbus Ohio. For the courage, clear thinking and sacrifice your loved ones made. Thank You

  • David L. Spizarny.

  • Melissa Seaman. http://www.GunControlVictories.com

  • Len Tinman, Overland Park, Ks. I picked Deborah Welsh's name out of a hat to pray for her family. Thank you.

  • mary tony and valene richards. god bless all of the families of these tragedies my heart goes out to you all we love you

  • Rick Bolstler. Thanks for your inspirtation and courage.

  • Lee O. Welter. DAVIS CA. The heroes of UA 93 are an inspiration.

  • O'Neil Family. Binghamton, NY

  • Mona Pelz. God be with you!

  • Terry Lee Pfaff, Mother and Wife. My heart aches with sadness during this painful time for all Americans.

  • Bob Hatmon. What a brave, honorable and heroic thing that the passengers Flight 93 did.

  • Carol Cecil, Administrative Assistant. May God Bless you and your family

  • Harold Cecil, carpenter. May GOD bless USA

  • linda wofford. thank you!

  • Keith Roper. may this never happen again

  • Doris, Binghamton, N.Y..

  • michele york. im so sorry this hard to deal with

  • Wagintop Enterprises, Topeka, KS. My heart is truly grieved. These were God's chosen few. Bless you all.

  • Richard L. Lavens. Quad-Cities (IL, IA) U.S.A.

  • Beverly Jo M., thank you for your bravery

  • John Paeplow. Churchill said it best."Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."

  • Susan Simmons. Schenectady, NY: As our nation grieves, we all hold our heads up high and pray for peace. God Bless

  • A. Torrey, MA. If only the people were not disarmed, this needn't have happened.

  • Jill Pinnt. CO. Thank you is simply not enough, you all make me even more proud to be an American.

  • sandra harmon. GA. God be with you

  • Warren Lind. St. Louis, MO


  • Delilah Ray. Dallas, TX. God bless

  • lester. god bless the families

  • Abner & Claudia Chavez.


  • Joshua Castro. San Diego, CA

  • Martin O'Malley Jr. Pittsburgh, Pa.


  • Sharon Schmucker. American Airlines

  • Nanette, Joe, Amanda, Joey, and Hunter. Fredericksburg, VA

  • Carie Badgett. Phoenix, AZ

  • Larry R. Gavel. Franklin, North Carolina

  • Hana Won.

  • Terry Adams. Cincinnati, OH

  • Anthony Cooling. college student

  • Terri Berendt. Chicago, IL


  • Rod McFadden. Merchant Mariner

  • The Griffin Family. Milwaukee, WI

  • anonymous.

  • Grace Reyes - US Dept. of Education. Miami, Florida

  • gwen nance. office rep. III

  • Peggy Jeney. retired, Phoenix, AZ

  • Ken Tiffany.

  • jennifer jurwich. script supervisor

  • Roger, Marcia & Jaclyn. USA

  • Melanie Parmer. Western Illinois University, Macomb IL

  • Tim, Pam & Codi. TN

  • Thomas A Lawrence, Videographer. Racine WI.

  • C.C., Cincinnati, Oh

  • Harold Kyriazi. research scientist, Pittsburgh PA

  • Susan Henriques. Mother/ PA "May God Bless Them"

  • Peggy Thornton. Cincinnati, Ohio

  • Johnstone family. USA

  • The Pestles. Illinois

  • Trystan.

  • Don Laberge. Network Eng. Canada

  • Ziegelmeier Family. Cincinnati, OH

  • Rankin Family. Tucson, Arizona

  • Anonymous. Brooklyn - New York

  • Tom Flynn. San Francisco, CA

  • Janet Bowden-Frazier. Administrative Assistant/Nashville, TN

  • Carol Little.

  • Don Gardner. Arlington, VA

  • John Pate. student, Woodstock, VT

  • GB Lott. Business Analyst: Seattle, WA

  • Daniel Westrick. San Diego, CA

  • James Russell. San Diego, CA

  • Bethany Miller. Mother, Ohio

  • John Drea. Macomb, IL

  • Ron Amos. Claims Adjuster, Maryland

  • Jim Melcher. Contractor

  • G.E. Lott. Retired, Maple Valley, Washington

  • J. C. La Rue. Carpenter, California

  • The Hinmans. Macomb, IL

  • Satjeet K. Mangham. Albuquerque, NM

  • Susan Penick. Cincinnati, OH

  • Carl Seybold. Pine Glen, PA

  • Janine Wenzig, Grad Student, Public Administration. Pittsburgh, PA

  • Mr. & Mrs. Todd Houck & Family. Petersburg, Pa

  • Amy Parrott. Virginia Beach, VA

  • Anthony Kim. Schaumburg, IL

  • Tracy Gross. Woodland, PA

  • Julie Hemphill. Dallas, Texas

  • The Wartman Family.

  • Antipas Karipoglou. Lawyer, Greece

  • Greg Delemeester. Their sacrifice will not be forgotten.

  • Pifer Family, Wynnewood PA. We can only imagine your pain ... and pride. You are in our thoughts.

  • Stuart Levy. We lost many great people on 9/11 but none as dear as the ones you lost. Be Strong! God Bless! FL.

  • Jeannine Muhl. Family Historian, Carbondale, Ill.

  • Colonel and Mrs. Robert W. Hart. Your loved ones made the ultimate sacrifice for their fellow Americans. God bless them all!

  • Rocky Frisco. The Red Dirt Rangers say thanks for your courage and sacrifice.

  • Victoria Varrato. Derry, NH

  • Jennifer Gant. Im greatly sorry for all of you May God Bless your soul!

  • Camille Francisco. Pittsburgh,PA

  • Dorothy Bracey, Dinwiddie, VA. My deepest sympathy to each of you. Your loved ones saved many ... at such a HIGH cost. God bless.

  • Edward Gleason. Airline Employee

  • Sherri Long. Our hearts and prayers for you all. Many thanks to all those brave souls aboard flight 93.

  • R. Altice.

  • Dorothy Roper. I can not express my sorrow.

  • Pam Cash-Roper. So sad and sorry this has happened

  • Gordon Keener. Knightdale, NC

  • George R. Skillman. "When we assumed the soldier, we did not forget the citizen - G.Washgtn. Hail the citizen soldiers!

  • anonymous.


  • Tina & Shawn Robinson & Family. Fl. Our prayers are with you!


  • Dennis Moody, II. These people are American Heroes

  • Mark Bell. Las Vegas ... wishing Peace Profound

  • May God be with you and give you peace - R. Nelson SLC, UT.

  • Lisa Cerniglia ... Nurse ... God Bless

  • Craig Westbrook Rochester, NY. Greater Love Hath No Man Than This That A Man Lay Down His Life For His Friends

  • Scott Thomas. Portland, OR

  • Brad Harrington. Cleveland, Ohio

  • Kim Brown. Orlando, FL

  • Toni Custara. Long Branch, NJ. God Bless you and keep you

  • Jessica Henriques. PA

  • Shea and Heather Snook. Constructions/Legal

  • Randy & Diane Cornwell. Teachers, Lincolnton, NC

  • christine howard. Inside Sales, Dallas Texas

  • Eddie Mussin. Police Officer, Long Island

  • Heather Oman. College Student, MA, USQ

  • Chandra Akers. Frankfort, KY

  • Keith Lonidier. Greensboro, NC. Reservation Agent

  • Sylvia Zablocka. New Jersey

  • Eric Drouin. Student, Chestnut Hill, MA

  • God Bless. Laura, MA

  • Christine S. homemaker, home educator, elder-caregiver


  • Terri Griffin. homemaker

  • Wartman/Hodge Family. Burlington, KY


  • Anonymous. Deputy Sheriff, Ventura County, California

  • Pamela White. Homemaker/Mother, Lake Charles, Louisiana. God Bless their souls!

  • Matt Wheeler. Student @ Virginia Tech

  • John Harris. Springfield, IL

  • Cathy Seybold. U.S. Coast Guard

  • Marcia E Smith. [email protected]

  • Rae Ann. Accounts Payable, KY

  • K. Jani.

  • J & L Retherford Family. Joy, IL

  • The Kramer Family. Phoenix, Arizona

  • Ryan W., Rock Island, IL

  • Merrill Hess. Administrator - Louisiana

  • karen. student, blacksburg-VA

  • Heather. Dayton, OH

  • Chris Williams. Musician. Atlanta

  • dayle. Phoenix, Arizona.

  • Masterson Family. Retired, Maple Valley, WA

  • Cyndi Lykins. Nashville, TN

  • Rankin Family. Tucson, Arizona

  • Meghan O'Leary. Cincinnati, Ohio

  • Louise Reynolds. Western Illinois University. Macomb, IL

  • David Sikorski. San Francisco, CA

  • The Butterworth family.

  • Genovese family. PA, USA

  • Janelle Worthington. Secretary/Western Illinois University

  • Randy and Sharon Parks. Agriculturist/ Illinois

  • Carol. Vermont

  • Patti O'Leary. Cincinnati, Ohio

  • Charlie Griffin. Contractor

  • Telmo. Brussels - Belgium

  • Tony & Rhonda Wherley & Family. Macomb, Illinois

  • Mr. Kevin M. Sather. Seattle, Wa

  • Eric La Rue. carpenter

  • stacey coyne. sales rep., orchard park, ny

  • Mr. & Mrs. Terry Lane and Jacob. Cincinnati, Ohio

  • Ivet Fortun. student

  • Jerry J. Mangham. Albuquerque, NM

  • Susan W Duncan. New Richmond Ohio

  • Alexis Stasio. Real Estate Agent, Buffalo New York

  • Amy Novak. Covington, KY

  • Debby Horwedel. letter carrier. Illinois

  • Jeremy Slezak. student at Swarthmore College

  • Patty Kabitsch. Kentucky

  • Grace. Atlanta, GA

  • Sofia Pantazi Simotas. Psychologist, Houston, TX

  • Sarah Catarozzoli. Student, Madison, Wi

Note: Inappropriate entries may be removed.

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The Web space for UnitedHeroes.com is donated by The Henry Hazlitt Foundation. Click here for ways you can get involved.