United Heroes

On September 11, 2001 the world witnessed one of the most horrific criminal acts in human history.

We lost many great people that day, and many people exhibited great heroism. Other important memorials are being created to honor these heroes. This memorial is devoted specifically to the people of United Flight 93 who courageously took control of their destiny and stopped the terrorists from using their plane as another weapon.

Please help us remember these 40 individuals and what they did for us.

  • Tamara & Stan Wong. NYPD, New York, NY. God Bless You and Yours!

  • Captain Laurie A. Boyer, UAL. My deepest condolences to those lost on UAL flight 93. Some were friends. All were great people.

  • Dan Kieselstein. Middle School student

  • They were true American Patriots! RFM, Meadowlands NJ, USA

  • Steve Wrathall. Kiwi English teacher, Thailand.

  • Sheila and Lee. Thank you for your sacrifice to save others.

  • Candy.

  • CHRISTINE TALMADGE. Bremerton, Washington

  • Jan R. Elder.

  • Nancy Sawyer.

  • Joanna Mazzarella . A candle shall always burn in my home in New Jersey for all of you. God Bless all our Heroes

  • c. summy. iron workers 396

  • Matthew Wendel, IA. Thank You doesn't begin to say enough

  • Kim Stroka. UAL Flight

  • Cameron Jernigan, teacher. May God grant you strength and peace.

  • Russell Hadsell. Truck Driver, Hornell ,New York

  • Diane Thomas, Baltimore MD. Thank you to my heroes!

  • Rachel Hodge. Student 8th grade. My prayers are with all the families of the victims.

  • James & Cynthia Terry Danbury, CT.

  • T. Samuels, PhD student. It was a terrible injustice, without cause, and with painful, lasting effects. I am so sorry.

  • Sara.


  • Blanca Tokarczyk. I will never forget those who died for us, thank you.

  • Karen M. Glasgow. Active Mom from Jacksonville, Florida sending you much love, infinite prayers, & heartfelt thank you

  • Gilberto G. Salgado. Economist, Rio, Brazil -- as a tiny sign of great appreciation.

  • Randy Jerome Miller. Pianist

  • Laurie Muench. Thank you! You saved many lives by sacrificing your own!

  • Diane Cook. May God bless you and keep you always in his care

  • Gail Lund. West Hills, California

  • Ronald O. Holmstrom. Let their bravery inspire everyone, everywhere to pursue freedom.

  • D. Mark Smith. Thank you so much for your sacrifice, I pray the rest of us live up to the standard you set for us.

  • The Shopher Family. Concord, CA

  • Vicki Shopher. Concord, CA


  • Mark, Lori and Leah Griffin. Newnan, GA .... May God Bless the familes of these heroes. Our Prayers are with each one of you.

  • Bernadette. Thank you for your courage and sacrifice. You and your families our in my prayers. God Bless Us All

  • Laura Ingraham. Florida. This is a time when we all need heroes. Thank you for your courageous example.

  • thomas cushing. please remember my mother patricia and my aunt jane

  • Norma. continue their courage, live proud

  • Karen Duncan. Emergency Dispatcher, Queensland Ambulance Service Australia, May heart goes out to every American

  • Chris. God Bless the USA!

  • C. Major. Scottsdale, Arizona

  • Don and Martha Snow. Waterville, Washington USA -- God Bless You All!

  • Theresa Horton. Kansas City, MO...We will never forget!! Heroes forever remembered!!

  • ada spencer - tampa fla. your famiiles will be remembered always.

  • Darryl Clark. Thank God for the heroes, who stopped an additional horror to a terrible day

  • M.E. Lynott. You, who survive suffer a great loss. Nut the knowledge of their heroism can be of great comfort

  • Doreene P. and Richard P.. Kansads

  • Dean Fox. Police officer Albany, NY. True Heroes!!

  • Bob Durkee. My family's prayers are with you.

  • Amanda Pace. May God give you strenght during this difficult time.

  • Diane Gilliland. May you know that they flew into the arms of God.

  • Lyn "Petie" Shlosky. Principal

  • Dianne Heinz. I KNOW you go with God

  • Karla C. Tucson, AZ

  • The Matthews' family. Orangevale, Ca. GREAT AMERICAN HEROES

  • Suzette. Denver, CO

  • Mae & Jack Cowman. The thoughts, prays and concerns are shared by all Canadians. ian

  • Feowyn. Hey, good job guys

  • The MacNeil's. Thank You

  • Tony Ursillo. Chepachet, Rhode Island

  • PM. South Carolina.

  • Melissa Alexander. Okinawa, Japan. Here and all over the world we mourn your loss and commend your bravery.

  • Diane B.. New Zealand

  • anonymous. God does things, we can't even began to understand, however, He IS perfect, trust in him.

  • Dylan Barnes.

  • tjb. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

  • CHristopher J. Dantoni. Sergeant, NYPD

  • Mona.

  • anonymous. We thank you for your bravery

  • Carol Ford. Thank you

  • N.P. Rogers. Houston, Texas

  • The Entire Lingle Family of Council Bluffs, Iowa. Our hearts and prayers go out to the families of the heroes on United Flight 93. We will not forget.

  • The Entire Grosso Family. Heroes are God's way of giving us something to be thankful for - Ralph Grosso Solebur Pa.

  • John Staniszewski.

  • 70 Precinct New York City Police Department. Thank You And God Bless your souls and may he protect your families.

  • Andrew. Well Done guys.

  • Carol Teehee. I think of them daily. I am so proud of them.

  • Madonna. It makes me proud to see people standing together. God bless you AMERICA!


  • Marjorie Grant Salem, Mass.. I am an American History teacher. I am so proud of your loved ones bravery and courage Sept. 11.

  • Douglas Gillman. Tucson, AZ. The courage and sacrifice of these people make my chest swell with pride to be an American.

  • Pam Kinsey. Alabama

  • Ruth Green, Massachusetts. Thank you all for what you did for us.

  • Lauri McLeland, Massachusetts. Thank you for saving the world. LET'S ROLL!

  • Janet. secretary - Illinois

  • Eric Hanson. Littleton, CO

  • Kathy Foxen. I pray you find comfort and salvation in Jesus, and be reunited with your heroes in heaven.

  • Ray Dalessandro from N.J.. These true American heroes died knowing they saved lives. We'll remember this first winning battle.

  • Steve & Karen Hall. Columbus, MS

  • Brandi, Scott, Aaron and Kenny Barnhouse. New Port Richey, FL

  • Patricia H.. NYPD, Sgt. Thank you will never be enough. God bless.

  • Jon Asmund. True heroes controlling their own destiny.

  • LaDonna Hicks. Emergency Room Nurse. God speed to all passengers.

  • Glen Sibbeston. Pilot, Fort Simpson NT Canada

  • Donald Daum Family: Don, Connie, Bryan, Jeffrey & Grandmother (Trixie). Our prayers are with you all. May your loved ones NEVER be forgotten.

  • Glenn P. Langston. From my children and myself, Thank you for your sacrifice.

  • Lynn Cardarelli. Torrance, CA

  • Michelle Bixby - Your sacrifice has proven to the world that the people of the USA stand as one nation, undivided! Thank you & God Bless

  • Atropa McKenzie. I would like to let each and every person who know these victims know that I think of them with love

  • Hal McCleskey. Our prayers are with you.

  • Jeanne Seren, New York. Flight 93 passengers - Heroes will never be forgotten. God Bless and may you rest in peace.

  • Gina, Stage Manager. Bravo!

  • Anonymous. We shall avenge your deaths ... God Bless America

  • Melissa Hessler.

  • Laura Woth. God bless their souls!

  • Maria Andrade. Student; Baton Rouge, La; I'm sending out a special prayer to all who have suffered from this loss.

  • Gayle Clary.

  • Kristen - Wallingford, CT. No words can express the gratitude I feel for the sacrifices of these heroes. They are God's angels.

  • Melanie & Marc Gagnon. God Bless you all. Take strength from the heroism & bravery of your loved ones.

  • Cynthia & James Terry Danbury CT. May you all find the comfort and courage to carry on in rememberance of your loved ones.

  • Anastacia Cody, God Bless You All.

  • Sarah Love. Customer Service

  • Florence, David Harrison. God Bless You All

  • Alex Holzmann. Student, Buenos Aires Argentina. Condolences for the victims and their families. God bless you.

  • Louise Kohlbacher, Buffalo, NY. Thoughts and prayers for the Heroes and their families

  • Bob S. - Chicago. I pray that the souls of the "United 44" are now at peace in the arms of their God.

  • Linda J.. Texas ... thank you ... you will always be our heroes and angels.

  • Elizabeth Frasier. Thank you and tell Jesus hello for me.

  • The Antonio Ramirez Jr Family. Our Love and Prayer are with you and your Families

  • Jamie Bowling and family. Straight to Heven

  • Elton and Cindy Baggett. May God strengthen and comfort you

  • Cindy Summers. Des Moines, Iowa

  • Dave & Pamela White. May God give us the strength and courage to protect us and others as you all have. God Bless!!

  • Mary Day Widner. Teacher - Stephens County Middle School


  • Keith, Lisa & Nathaniel Goldstein. Dix Hills, NY

  • The Lyons Family. Buffalo Mills, Pa. ... The HEROES on UA93 were the first soldiers to fight this war. Kudos to the brave!

  • John & Denise Vanscoy. Truck driver, 26089 Old Shook Rd. Harrison Twp. Mi. 48045 My God Bless you all & keep you safe.

  • Maureen Boiko. You are all heroes -- now and forever.

  • Karyl Lynn. Eastern Washington, God Bless All of You

  • Mercy Montandon. My heart goes out to all of you that have lost a family member in this tragedy. God bless all .

  • Gary and Betty Hemrick. Five Points, Al. 3685

  • The Bibeault's Kyle Ellien Kyle Felicia and Kathryn. Our true brave heroes

  • joe ward. thanks GOD bless each of you

  • donavon stricklett. you are truely heroes...GOD bless your families

  • Laura and Mike Petersen.

  • Kristy. Michigan. Our prayers are with you.

  • john j. hughes.

  • Denise Dilley. Librarian in Covina, CA


  • Amanda Pace. May God give you strenght during this difficult time.

  • Susan - Latrobe, PA. Our God of all comfort has added these souls to the sunrise we are blessed with every morning...

  • Lyn "Petie" Shlosky. Principal, Thank you

  • Therese Devaney. Pennsylvania - We will make it through this hard time together, god bless everyone who lost a love one

  • Rogelio Trevino the 3rd. God bless for their families because we were worried

  • Susan Ward & Critter: Ryan, Cole & Bo. BELIEVE

  • Jefferson Rundell. May the loved ones be granted comfort from the God of all comfort during this time

  • Sherida Ranson. To Family and Friends, thoughts and prayers are with you. Gone but not Forgotten! God Bless!

  • Sue & Carl Shepardson.

  • Irene. teacher

  • siso from the bronx. what they did saved the lives of my still unborn grandchildren thank you and god bless you all

  • jonathan. student

  • Citizen Duquesne.

  • David D. Horowitz.

  • kathie blevins. the symbol of true americans

  • Cindy Rosenkoetter. family educator with Head Start, Quincy , Illinois

  • anonymous.

  • isney giraldo. delta flight attendant


  • Dylan Barnes. gone but not forgotten, forever in our hearts, thankyou and may you rest now in the arms of the Lord

  • Michael Pietrantoni. Those on Flight 93 and the rescuers are true American Heroes. God Bless You and your families.

  • a mother. I thank you for what you did for my son and all America

  • Kim & Joshua. Massachusetts

  • Carol Ford. Teacher

  • Katie (age 16, from NY). Thank you! My prayers go out to you! And I will always remember what you did for our country!

  • david- age 9. thank you for saving a lot of people

  • Attila Nagy. English Student, Hungary

  • the Williams family. we will always remember

  • Jenna Staub. We will never forget your Sacrificies. God Bless you all.

  • SSgt John Compton, USAF. 90 MDOS, FE Warren AFB, Wyoming

  • Chuck Norris. Fortitude and stength of will, I will always honor your bravery. You are true Heroes!

  • Edith Ely. We are all greatful for your bravery. Heroes, such as you, will find your reward in heaven.



  • C. & M. Bentley. Oklahoma. May God Bless and strengthen you

  • Major Matt Litchfield, US Army Ranger. You were the first to fight! I will avenge you!

  • Pam Kinsey. Alabama

  • k williams. teacher

  • ronnie. I cannnot imagine what you are going through. But I pray for you all every day.

  • Bob Spaulding. God bless you for your heroism.

  • The Patzkowski family. Oklahoma

  • linda redman tapp. ophthalmolic tech

  • Steve Rubin. Detective, NYPD

Note: Inappropriate entries may be removed.

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The Web space for UnitedHeroes.com is donated by The Henry Hazlitt Foundation. Click here for ways you can get involved.