United Heroes

On September 11, 2001 the world witnessed one of the most horrific criminal acts in human history.

We lost many great people that day, and many people exhibited great heroism. Other important memorials are being created to honor these heroes. This memorial is devoted specifically to the people of United Flight 93 who courageously took control of their destiny and stopped the terrorists from using their plane as another weapon.

Please help us remember these 44 individuals and what they did for us.

  • Linda & Tom Mcknight. Linda is a Nurse, Tom is a Computer Tech. We live So.Ca Terrific HEROES!

  • Jill Wissinger & Josh Mattingly.

  • Nova. music student in Calgary, Canada

  • Susan-New Braunfels, Tx. Such unselfishness-how can we say Thank You!

  • Eliot Sohmer. Todd Beamer ... you are a tribute to Wheaton College and the Lord you served so well. Rest in Him.

  • Chandra Ashton. I cannot pretend to know what you are going through. God bless you and your loved ones.

  • Dr. Dave Haag. Thanks for your bravery and for being the very best roll models in a world that needs good examples.

  • the construction hands at G.M. plant Shreveport,La.. these 44 individuals [[ WILL LIVE FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS AN MINDS ]]] MAY GOD BLESS

  • Roy & Anne. We will never forget your bravery. Thank you and God bless.

  • Julio from Chile. God bless you all.

  • Ron Berube and J.J. Westberg. Guelph, Ontario, Canada


  • Maria Jonsson, MD, Swedish Advertising Agency LLC. God Bless You - You will never be forgotten!

  • lee gibbs.

  • Steven T. Floyd. Creative Director / Dallas, Texas. God Bless You. Prayers to each loved one ...

  • Ralph Simmons. They are immortalized in our hearts and our thoughts. 23/m/hawaii

  • Jackie Magee. Tampa, FL



  • Janet, Joe and Jared Petitto. You should all be very proud

  • Richard Watts. Kentucky, You are in our prayers, Keep the faith, God cares

  • Forrest W. Mardis. Thank You, and may you be blessed by the great creator, Wakken Tatanka .... A Ho

  • chrystal. illinois

  • Tony Ward. Thanks for courage and bravery.

  • Andrew. and may God help all those who will have to start to live again. In all of this remember God cares

  • Andrew Ussher. Things like this make me think. If it happened to me would I be brave enough to do something?

  • Kristine Woolcott. Thank you and God Bless You.

  • Brandy & Anthony Degenaer. U.P. of Michigan. We will never forget these blessed Angels of God!

  • John Hartley. You will live Forever in Our memories

  • Duncan. To the families of our heroes, stand tall and be proud, the memory of your lost loved ones will never ...

  • Annette. South Dakota

  • Jo Ann. May God Bless you all.

  • Bob and Elleda Rule. God Bless, Thanks

  • T.A. and K.C.. Beaumont, TX Thanks!!!

  • Jan Crider. High School teacher in Oklahoma ... I thank God for your brave loved one!!

  • Mark McCann. Your bravery and altruism inspire us all. America will never forget your greatness.

  • Carole Stangle. The bravery of your loved ones will never be forgotten.

  • Marilina Cullup. You won't be forgotten.

  • anonymous. thanks

  • Paige Brown. God Bless You

  • Greg & Debbie. LH, IL God bless your souls for your heroism & your trust in Him. Thank You!

  • Andrew Ferrell. LA, CA - Your courage and sacrifice will never be forgotten

  • Scott Kitzmiller. God bless

  • Carl Day.

  • Mark Williams. Advertising

  • Richard G. Marquez. America will never forget you.

  • Gregg Tavares. Programmer, Tokyo. I hope that if I am ever put to the test I can live up to your excellence.


  • Robert Book. Thank you all!

  • Juan M. Alvarado. Irvine, CA - Courage hath no brighter example than in your brave actions.

  • Kerry DiVizio. You are angels. Thank you.

  • Carolyn Shaw and Stacey Kerns. families are in our prayers

  • Mary - Indianapolis, IN. God bless you and your families.

  • Bonnie. Thank-you and May God Bless you all

  • Becky.

  • Diana De Leon. Westminster, CA

  • Andrea Deck. thank you is not enough for what they did.

  • Fred Mangels. For Liberty!

  • Elizabeth Syberg-Schmitt. Worldcom Systems Engineering, St Louis;

  • Ronda Dasta. bakery clerk, Gilbert, AZ. May God Bless UAL93. Let's roll, America!

  • Jeff Duncan.

  • Betty Watson, Pa. Thank you! God bless and be with your families. We love you!

  • Arin Sime. You probably saved the US Capitol from destruction, and God will bless you for it. You are heroes.

  • David Noles. Great Americans. Among all the evil you are shinning examples of courage and humanitatianism.

  • Cyndie Jones. Thank you. Oh, thank you.

  • Julianne J. Hans. United We Stand!

  • Daniel. Kansas City

  • Sara Franklin. Burkesville, KY

  • Todd. Blacksburg, Virginia. Your bravery has blessed this nation.

  • David E Wright. Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada. God grant you peaceful rest.

  • The Glenn Family. Upstate New York

  • Kerry Gill Daniel. Libertarian. Love and Hugs to you and your families. Arm our pilots.

  • Stacy Ehrmann.

  • Frank, Regina, Daniel and Elissa. Your loss was great, we appreciate their brave actions to the end. May God bless their families.

  • Sean O'Se. physicist, Washington, D.C.

  • cindy alese goolsby. thank you

  • Jess and Dee from Montana. Thank you and God Bless

  • K W Massengill, Libertarian.

  • Eddy Sutton. God is in your corner

  • Jack Miller. Librarian. Their courage and valor inspires us all.

  • Gary, Cheryl and David Kerr.

  • Ronald Carpenter. Real estate broker, Detroit Michigan. I hope that if I were there I could have done the same thing.

  • A special friend. Thank you.

  • Deidre Abbitt. You give our children real heroes to look up to. Comic books and sports will no longer do.

  • Rhonda Teague & Kevin Kelley. Although your loss is great, we, as Americans appreciate the courage of your loved ones. Raleigh, NC

  • Carlos Gon�alves. Now the world knows that Liberty will always have Heroes and always has since the American Revolution.

  • Teresa Martin.

  • John Dieter. God is with us now, always was, always will be. We do his good works

  • Dan Whiteside. Software Consultant

  • Dr. Brendan P. Dooher. National Academy of Science

  • Fr. Robert Sirico. In an age of cowardilness, you have taught us true courage. You and your families are in my prayers.

  • Don, Retired Army Major. You are in many prayers of thanks each day!

  • Rikki Ansell. May all of America show such courage as this in the days to come.

  • Lin. NJ May GOD Bless US ALL!!

  • Susan-New Braunfels, Tx. Such unselfishness-how can we say Thank You!

  • Dale Ford. Sales Manager - www.getnet.com / God Bless You All

  • candy champagne. from macomb, il. you are not alone.

  • Sara Featherlibn. Industry IL. God Bless You

  • autumn. god bless usa

  • Steve Poff. God Bless Heroes

  • Georgia Smart. Everett, Washington

  • Julio from Chile. God bless you all

  • George Wendt. Montgomery, New York. These noble people and patriots will not be forgotten.

  • Paul Williams. Bravery in the face of adversity is the true measure of a man. These MEN and WOMEN are true heroes.

  • Leo Magitz. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his freinds. John 15:13

  • Louise Zizka. Vancouver, Canada

  • Jackie Magee. Tampa,FL

  • Dan Barton. Nick Brandimarti, you will always be missed!

  • Mary Bentley. Oklahoma

  • Simone. Germany. Why weren't they rewarded for their bravery by surviving? May all of them rest in peace!

  • Cathrin Schuhardt. Leipzig, Germany: We are proud of You. Liberty will prevail

  • Vivian Z. COURAGE, HEROIC! Purple hearts awarded to you in heaven. Peace and God Bless you and your families.

  • The Gosser family. may the Lord bless you all

  • Dewayne Poff - Tennessee. To the heroes of Flight 93, THANK YOU for your tremendous courage - you will never be forgotten!

  • Tommy. ....We owe you.....

  • Barry Conner. Home Builder, Gainesville, GA, God bless all the families of the victoms of United flight 93.

  • Bonnie Gordon. God Bless you

  • [email protected].

  • debbi friedman. Artist, Wellesly, MA


  • Everett & Vertina Henderson. Trust in God, He will bring us all through. MI, USA

  • Ronna. God Bless All Of You ... Our hearts are with each and every one of you..

  • Carl Bussjaeger. Thank you.

  • Lark and Edward Blum. Thank you for your courage and sacrifice

  • linda traxler.

  • Franci Vuk.

  • James Taylor. Student, Orlando, Florida, USA

  • The Guffey's of WA State. God Bless you! You and your families are in our prayers.

  • Ryan. your sacrifice is an inspiration

  • The Faulding Family. Your heorism will never be forgotten & you & your families will always be in our hearts & prayers.

  • Kathryn & Nile & Danielle & Jacqueline Noyes-Wash DCcqueline Noyes. There are some people who teach us how to live & others who teach us what to live for.

  • Walky Sanchez. attorney in alabama. God bless you all

  • Robert J. Probasco. Thank you from everyone in America. See you in Heaven. God Bless


  • Linda Eads. There aren't enough words to say thank you, there aren't enough tears to express our sorrow.

  • The Salada Family. Ohio

  • Pastor James C. Ray. Pentecostal Minister

  • Carolyn Shaw and Stacey Kerns. families are in our prayers

  • Bernie Braun. My children will know of these heroes, we will never forget these heroes, nor will our kids and theirs

  • Barbara Firehock. La Plata, MD

  • Damon W. Root. writer, new york city. thank you.

  • Daniel De Leon. Westminster, CA. I hope were I ever in that situation, I would have the courage to do the same.

  • Scott Langlois. God bless all of you, and your families. you will be remembered.

  • Debbie Parlin. Placerville, Ca. We needed you and you were there. Thank you! God bless you and yours.

  • Fred de St. Croix. Quebec, Canada

  • Kay Barnes-Thomas. May the Peace of God be you now and forever!

  • A caring healthcare worker- Nacogdoches, Texas. Our prayers are with the families

  • Kathi Sherman. for the sacrifice that you made, thank you and may God bless you and your family

  • ERIK E. LANGLOIS. I am proud of those who gave their lives to save others.

  • Rudolf M. Kantu. Technical Sales Recruiter and Quixtar IBO - [email protected]


  • G. Black ... To the everyday unsung heroes as well as to the Passengers of United Flight 93, Bravo!

  • Daniel. "Let's Roll"

  • Christopher Mugla, Boston. Never, never, never, NEVER forget.

  • Margo. Greenville, South Carolina

  • Lani Jennings. Grand Rapids Minn. This world was blessed to have you in it.

  • David keenan.

  • Diane Folden.

  • Liz Germann.

  • Charles and Marilyn Doherty. They dared to die and leave their country free.


  • Tim Kilgore. Your loved ones have bought us freedom and greater unity. We pray for you every night.

  • Anthony E.. Keep Strong America, The Armed Forces will once again show who is in true command.

  • Pat H., Tennessee. "Greater love hath no man than to give his life for another."

  • Barb Cunningham. May God be with you ...


  • Donald R. Vance. A shining example of courage

  • Bill and Pam Case.

  • serhat yuksel.

  • Bailey Terry. Retired

  • Diane L. Colvin. USN Retired

  • Ian Hall. They sacrificed themselves to save countless others, and they should be remembered forever.

  • Eric Barnett. America's Home Place.

  • David Sammels. The UK. "Lets roll." A fine testament to the strength of the Americans and the First World.

  • Greg and Johnna Emond. St paul, Mn.. You where the TRUE, American HEROS,

  • Gayla and Jim Carter, Valdosta, GA. May God give you strength to endure...

  • Edwenia Franklin.

  • yatsuatari. Thanks from Japan

  • andrew feltus. god bless and thank you.

  • David Malcolm Lewis. May this country learn from your example.

  • Edna, mother from Ireland.

  • Hope Gonzalez. Thank You!

  • Chris Cerrone. Musician.

Note: Inappropriate entries may be removed.

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