United Heroes

On September 11, 2001 the world witnessed one of the most horrific criminal acts in human history.

We lost many great people that day, and many people exhibited great heroism. Other important memorials are being created to honor these heroes. This memorial is devoted specifically to the people of United Flight 93 who courageously took control of their destiny and stopped the terrorists from using their plane as another weapon.

Please help us remember these 44 individuals and what they did for us.

  • Michael Caraker. American Airlines pilot, SFO.

  • Tom Dowless. Truly American heroes. May God comfort them.

  • Dave and Donna Reed.

  • Rick Mueller. You represent the best of humanity. You were the heroes.

  • Jim Short. The selfless acts of these brave people serve as an example to us all.

  • CDR William R N Howell Jr USN. Greater love hath no man than this: that he lay down his life for another.

  • Greg B Duryea. Duty, Honor, Country! We salute your honor and courage

  • Karoly Banicz. On the day we saw the nadir of human spirit you showed the world its zenith.

  • D. Okimoto. - Hawaii. Mahalo (thank you) for your sacrifices.

  • Diane C. Wilson.

  • Mrs Lisa Thompson. Clarksville, TN. ... Thank you for saving innocent lives and sacrificing your lives for ours ... Love

  • An American. the entire country mourns your loss and admires their heroism.

  • anonymous.

  • Mo Hartman. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his neighbor.

  • Mary Jo Doyle. Chicago - God bless all of our heroes

  • Kristen Casteleiro. I am so grateful for the opportunity to say "God bless and thank you" to the families of heroes.

  • C Botzner. So Cal

  • Kim B., Lomax, IL.

  • Robert Mayer. Those who chose not to lie down before their evil captors are heroes in the truest sense of the word.

  • Kathryn McElhannon - El Paso, Texas. My heart goes out to each one of you -- I am so very sorry for your loss! They died serving the US

  • sonya Jefferson. These people are heros.

  • Bill, Julie, & Kayleen Jones - also Idelle Holmes. One Nation Under God! God Bless You All! Sidney, Mt.


  • Steven Martinovich. Writer: Your sacrifice will always be remembered as what's best in humanity.

  • David A. Dyer. God Bless America and heroes like you. May you never be forgotten!

  • carole zerlin. miami fl. god be with you all

  • Greg Lollis. you will not be forgotten

  • David L. Williams. We won't forget

  • Kaye Orndoff. American Airlines DFW

  • James H. Larsen. IT Specialist


  • Alex. Australia

  • JESUS CHRIST RULES! Your sacrifice NOT ONLY allows others to LIVE, but to live with wisdom, strength, and graciousness.

  • Marianna. thank you from the bottom of my heart....

  • Christian.

  • Jeanine Lowry. My heart goes out to all of you how lost someone you love. GOD BLESS ALL THE FAMILIES INVOLVED.

  • Vito Taylor. Thank you!

  • Kathryn Childress. For reasons we don't know, you're gone, and with total sincerity all of you have places in our hearts!

  • Cathy Addison. Tucson AZ, Customer Service Rep - City of Tucson Water Dept.

  • David Wilson. I am thankful that they were able to save others. Their courage was outstanding.


  • William R. Minto, heathen. Be proud that they died heroes in a struggle that surely saved countless others.

  • Leroy E. Grey. ISP Owner, Romney, WV. [email protected]; My heart grieves with you.

  • Chris Claypoole. May we all aspire to live up to the standard they set.

  • Whistle B. Currier.

  • BSA Troop 25, Corinth, MS. Thank you for being prepared.


  • Adrian Hart. Retired Association Executive, Australia. Thinking of you.

  • Jackie. Thank you for your supreme sacrifice. Peace, Love and Blessings to you and yours.

  • Jim Cierzniak, retired teacher. An Alamo story for our times. How proud we are of you!

  • H-C. Peterson, Jr. "When the hour of crisis comes, remember that 40 selectred men can shake the world"-- Yasotay

  • Bob Rice. Our prayers are with all who lost loved ones. May the Lod Jesus Christ be of comfort to you all

  • mike & susan duffy. we pray for your families, thank you for saving lives

  • Matt Daues. Your bravery is an inspiration.

  • A friend of freedom. Freedom loving people everywhere will remember you and the choice you made.

  • William & Tamra Dale. Thank you.

  • A.L. Hallisey. You Are Wrapped In The Arms of God

  • [email protected]. We humans all must die sometime. You are heroes because you chose to die fighting for freedom.


  • Terril from Kansas. My eyes filled as I realized the great sacifice made, and my chest tightened with gratitude.

  • Scandia. If not for you ...

  • the Benasky Family. Massachusetts

  • Billie Johnson; Conway, SC. May God Bless Us All

  • Donald Heath. Thank you for winning this battle in our new war. Your families, while grieving, should be proud.

  • Nicholas Rosen. My intended message was too long, so: God bless the heroes, that's all.

  • J. Akers -- Burlington, Iowa. Words cannot express the love shown for their country by this unselfish sacrifice. God Bless them.

  • phyllis & dale nixon. our prayers & thoughts are with you all, we have a son in the navy who is doing his part.

  • Mark Schiller, M.D.. They gave their lives for their country, and we are all grateful, San Francisco, CA.

  • M Suttle. Thank You.

  • joni rust. GOD BLESS

  • Justin from UCONN. Im sure the rest of the university joins me in thanking you. We will not forget you.

  • Matt Zwolinski. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

  • John Humphreys. Australia

  • paul ogilvie. zephryhills, fl. Bravory like yours is a rather uncommom thing, the world i am sure thanks you from

  • Debbie Langille, Halifax, NS, Canada. I have had a heavy heart since the 11th of September, but I know God has you in His tender care.

  • Donna Wenning, American Airlines Cargo Agent, MIA. United We Stand Divided We Fall


  • anonymous.

  • wayne&nancy meers. when we look at our flag we will remember those who gave their lives so that we might know freedom.

  • Renzi family. phila pa ... in our hearts forever

  • anonymous. ... And the Home of the Brave!

  • Keith and Sally Doty. Thank you and God Bless to brave men

  • Dr. Ben F. Irvin. May god be with you always. Pocatello, Idaho

  • Marc Brandl.

  • Jo and Del Schroeder.

  • Bruce Zwiebel.

  • Klaus Rodi. North California. I think I would have done the same. My heart goes out to the families.

  • Richard & Donna Dixon, Missoula, MT. Compare Islamic fanatics willing to die to kill and Americans willing to die so others can live.

  • Barbara Branden. Who ever said there is no one in today's world to admire? These people were heroes!

  • Tom Dowless.

  • Rick Mueller. You represent the best of humanity. You were the heroes. LET'S ROLL!

  • Di. LPN from Indiana. When your loved ones realized their fate, their brave act saved untold others.

  • John Reynolds. Libertarian

  • James Duck. They were true heroes.

  • Susan Soderlund, Newbury Park, CA. May God bless all of you for your courageousness and may your families be blessed for their love.

  • Jeffrey J. Oliver. True exemplars of the American spirit, we shall always be in your debt.

  • Roy Lee McCarthy, Cleveland, OH. Your courage gave me hope when the hideous events of the day had me feeling lost and alone ...

  • Anonymous. Thank you for your courage and selflessness.

  • lin finger. I am grateful for their courage

  • Peter Chamberlain. You ARE selfless. Thank you.

  • Larry Hodges, Editor. Why did you do it? Because you knew the alternative. We thank you.

  • Clifford V. Dyer. Thank you and God bless.

  • Bob Hans, Druid. What words can express the feelings we have? Nothing I say would be enough. Thank you.

  • Peggy Deckard. Everett, Wa

  • The McLendon Family. We pray for you; but take pride in your people.

  • Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Lindblom. Our heart go ou to all of you who lost family and friends in the attack on America ... it has effected

  • Cris in California. How proud the families must feel to know their loved ones are National Heroes. I'm praying for you!

  • Jordan Matter. NYC. Thank you. I hope I would have had the courage to do the same thing. You've made America proud.

  • Jason Herfurth. graphic designer, Portland OR

  • Terry Littlepage. God Bless! You will always be remembered

  • Bobby and Lea Gregory. I just hope that I could be that brave if I were in the same situation. Thanks and God Bless!!

  • Elizabeth Bernard.

  • Kaye Orndoff. American Airlines DFW

  • William and Elaine Ketring, West Frankfort, IL.

  • Leonard Fahrni LT USNR (ret0. These actions would reflect the finest traditions of the service, much less for civilians. BZ

  • Jay Watrous. copy editor, Arizona ... You did your best!

  • Daniel A. Hart. Reporter, Southfield, Michigan. My everlasting thanks and sorrow for UAL 93.

  • Susan Kennedy, California. May you sit in Heaven next to our brave Founding Fathers!

  • Christian. "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose!"

  • Jackie Silva - San Martin, CA. God Bless You & your families

  • Mike DiBaggio. Midshipman USNR, Your spirit redeems America

  • Ginger Childress. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

  • Michael Harrison, Secretary, Constitution Party of North Carolina. Your sacrifice for other innocent lives will never be forgotten.

  • Ruby Alexandra Beloz. God Bless America and New York!

  • Michael J. Megeath. "Let's roll" is the heroic saying of this war.

  • Fred Childress, Jr. Your spirits keep alive the flame of liberty for the people of the world to see.

  • Donna. Corinth, Ms.

  • J. Kirk Wiebe and Family of Maryland. We stand in awe of your exemplary courage and selflessness!

  • Caroline Buker. Linfield College

  • Vicki.

  • Paul D. Green.

  • James Nall. Thank you for your courage.

  • Janet in Wisconsin. What a powerful witness for his Christian faith from Todd Beamer. Lisa, you should be so proud!

  • James Garfield. Student, CA. These passengers were extraordinary people for taking a stand against the terrorists.

  • A. Diane Muscoreil. Blessings on you and your loved ones

  • Brad Chapman.

  • Mary Slaughter. Yours is the spirit that lights the way for the rest of us to unite in courage and determination.

  • stephen Imburgia (students of deduction). sherlock holmes would have proud. Love of country.

  • Abraham M. Liebsch. "Oh brave new world, that has such people in it!"

  • francisco campbell. from Chileans friends: God bless America

  • Tom White. journalist, Odessa, Texas: You witness nobly to the need for each of us to take responsibility.

  • Sarah Baker. "Let's roll."

  • Alan Cook. Writer

  • Donna Cusano, New York City (former NY Air). Would we all be as courageous in the face of death. We will never forget.

  • William R. Buziak, U.S. Army Retired. Thanx!

  • Ed Lopez. Dallas. Thank you and God Bless!

  • Roger Tucker.

  • Debra Bryson. God Bless one and all!

  • Richard Puckett. Folsom, CA

  • Erik Lundberg. Ens, USN

  • Jessica Bawden, Australia. Your bravery has reached all corners of the world. The memory of your courage will never die.

  • My prayers are with you. Kathy.

  • Robert Kelley. You showed true nobility on a day of horror.

  • God bless all of you.

  • Ken Green. May God with the families of the 44 on flight 93. They all were very brave. Kirbyville, Tx.

  • Brian Smith. Brisbane Australia

  • Ralph M. Davis Jr.. Probation and Parole Officer, MO.

  • Marty Smiley. It seems like a

  • Don Sloan. California

  • Marie Angell. Remember UA93 - "Let's roll!"

  • Wes Alexander. God bless these brave men and women.

  • Andy and Connie Blasius. My husband and I are praying for each and every one of you.

  • Brent Dotson. My heart is full of grief and pride for you. Your soaring with eagles now.

  • Beth Cullom. "Let's Roll" My tribute to the heroes of UA 93, http://www.geocities.com/bethcullom/flag.html

  • Brian & Katillia. Thank you for your courage. God bless you and your families.


  • Mike Alexander. What bravery, self-sacrifice, and great example they gave us

  • David Cary. Pensacola Fl. retired

  • wayne & nancy.

  • Tammy Stolz, Chicago.

  • Dr. Tom Blackburn. I hope you can take comfort in knowing that these 44 heroic people chose how it would end for them.

  • Tony Nguyen. America needs more people like these.

  • Rob LeGrand. Don't let the politicians use these attacks as an excuse to erode our freedoms further.

  • Nikki, Maryland. Thank you.

  • Frank J. Lhota. Senior Software Engineer, Waltham MA USA. You have our eternal graditude.

  • Carmen & Roy Downing.

  • John & Karen Kramer. Aurora, IL - Your bravery and sacrifice will inspire millions for generations to come. Rest in Peace.

  • Pete Heureux. Felton, CA I'm glad that my son will grow up in a world that has you all as shining examples of cou

  • Carol Normandin. I am sorry for your tragic loss and grateful to your loved ones for their bravery and self sacrifice

  • Bruce Hobbs.

  • Dave Hood. Are civilians eligible for the Congressional Medal of Honor? Here are 44 outstanding nominees!

  • Thomas Dean Lundy. True Heros

  • Fay Leet. Smethport Pa ""God bless all of you"

  • Mark and Julie Forster. We, and all Americans owe a debt of gratitude to these heros.

  • Jim Reed. I get chills and tears or pride every time I think of the brave people of Flight 93.

  • anonymous. Thank you.

  • John David Galt. software consultant, Sacramento, CA.

  • Robin McCrea. You and your families are in my prayers.

Note: Inappropriate entries may be removed.

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