United Heroes

On September 11, 2001 the world witnessed one of the most horrific criminal acts in human history.

We lost many great people that day, and many people exhibited great heroism. Other important memorials are being created to honor these heroes. This memorial is devoted specifically to the people of United Flight 93 who courageously took control of their destiny and stopped the terrorists from using their plane as another weapon.

Please help us remember these 44 individuals and what they did for us.

  • Pam Brown and Gary Anderson. Northridge, CA

  • Bill Funderburke, Hallettsville, Tx. Semper Fidelus

  • Eli Kane. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" John 15:13

  • Jill Nicola. Houston, TX. Thank you for your courage. You proved love is stronger than hate.

  • Justin Cutler. Thank you for being American.

  • Michael M. Butler. "Oh thus be it ever that free men shall stand / Between their loved homes and the war's desolation."

  • David Berens. London.

  • Nick DelMedico. As General George Patton said: "It is foolish and wrong to mourn these men who died. Rather ..."

  • * a next door neighbor *. "Courage is being scared to death -- and saddling up anyway." -- John Wayne, late 20th-century actor

  • Lance Boyenger - Seattle, WA. God Bless, may peace come to your families - We Will Never Forget ...

  • Scott & Irina. Washington, D.C.

  • Fred James. I felt intense pride through my tears at what these brave men did!

  • Darrell Hougen. Thank you for fighting for life and for justice. May we have the strength to finish the fight.

  • Douglas Allen. heroes proved in never ending strife; who more the self the country loved; and mercy more than life

  • Todd Ellner. The valiant taste of death but once. Bless you for your courage and sacrifice

  • Lauren M. Boyer. Thank you for the incredible sacrifice that you made for all of us.

  • Andy Bolger. God bless you, you are in our hearts always.

  • Rich Myers. From Kansas City MO--Thanks and God speed

  • V. Anderson. Raleigh NC. Bless you all!

  • Roger Brallier. God Bless You - Psalm 125:1

  • Jessica. York, Nebraska

  • Donnetta Greggs. I'm a student at Alabama State University. Thank You and may god bless

  • Colleen Keller. No greater love...

  • Chuck Krieg. United Employee/ TPA

  • Jenna Rogers. Thank you and God bless you and your families.

  • Jenny Rogers. Bless you and know you're not forgotten ...

  • Don Taylor. Two time Purple Heart recipient.

  • b.j.t. to the firemen and policemen

  • sunny abarbanell. music teacher

  • Ronda - York Nebraska. God Bless You

  • Karen & Scott Duff. Export, Pennsylvania

  • Judy Farris - Midland, Texas. It is people like those aboard Flight 93 who are truly the wind beneath all our wings.

  • Charlotte. Nebraska, God Bless All

  • Mike Kueper. ... thank you, heroes

  • Sophia L Smith. Austin, Texas. Remember Flight #93 Should be our rallying call as citizen soldiers ...

  • Angel Mendez, Grandview WA. thank you for your courage and God bless your families, siempre

  • Sam, Devona & Delia Booker. "There is no greater love than a man lay down his life for another." Thank you for protecting ours.

  • Amber Wright.

  • Thank You. Barb. To give your life for your country is to give your life for all of us to be free!

  • Michael Petrovich. San Francisco & New York. You will be remembered as the first to strike back.

  • BlueEyeAngel. The people on United Flight 93 are all true heroes. God bless and keep them and their families.

  • Louis Flores. Spring, TX. It took a lot of courage to comit the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you! God is with you.

  • Kirk Davies. I wish I could say I had the same courage as you guys.

  • Michelle, Houston, TX. Thank you for being true "patriots." You are American heroes.

  • Charles Cormier. Student 16 years old. There could have been 10 times worse, but it was stopped by a few brave souls.

  • Francine Corbett. Your courage is an inspiration to us all. I think your example proves that we all have it in us.

  • Jean & Jack Smith. Petaluma, CA

  • Tink Nielsen. There is no greater love than to give your life for your brother. God be with you and your families.

  • Steven A Owen. Baseball Coach, Cataula, GA

  • Marilyn Bailey, Phoenix, AZ. America cries with your families.

  • Diane. Your bravery will always be remembered in the lived of those who live!


  • Jane Selewach, Baltimore MD. Your courage and love not only saved lives but have changed our lives. Bless you and your families.

  • Kim, Antioch, IL. Thank you is NOT enough for what you did. God bless you and your families.

  • Erin Hatvany. Seattle, WA

  • Juli Beckstrom. Utah

  • Aaron & Beth Chelosky. Norrth Versailles, Pennsylvania


  • The Rohde's. God Bless You and Your Families

  • liz [email protected]. Ill think of you all the days of my life-true heroes, all of you

  • Your lack of selfishness is forever to be remembered thank you for being a real american hero!

  • Susan M. Fish. Research Triangle Park, NC. Thank you for your bravery! May God bless you and keep you ...

  • Cheikh abou Riyad. chairman [email protected]

  • Juan. ART AMDG

  • York Brun Luethje. Banker, Hamburg, Germany

  • Steven Grubb. Raleigh, NC

  • anonymous. Thanks for setting an example for the rest of us.

  • Pam O'Malley. Optician/Batavia, Il.

  • roxanne and terry smith. friedens, pa. our Thanks to the HEROES on flight 93 and our love and prayers to the families.

  • Thomas P. Malatino. Our Condolences to the Families, Our THANKS to the Heroes!

  • Howard Smith. Jessup, pa, pray for them

  • Katherine Ball. Notre Dame, IN "The Lord lift up the light of His countenance upon you and give you peace" Numbers 6

  • Dan. Detroit, MI

  • george g. assonet, ma. Thank you for your courage. God Bless you all.

  • Eryn, Rohnert Park CA. Simply .... Thank you

  • Steph T., Virginia Beach, Virginia

  • Dolores Faulding. Mother of 2 sons that I pray would be as brave as the 4 men who stood up to the terrorists!

  • donna bell. America has ever had so many Heroes! God Bless Every One

  • We are very grateful for what you did. Norman and Anita

  • Kathy Becker. May the arms of Jesus be around you. My heart is so sad for your loss.

  • Marc BLitz. Buffalo, NY, Telecom Engineer. Your friends and family make me proud to be American. God Bless.

  • Susanne Carr. True heroes are ordinary people performing extraordinary deeds.

  • Peggy Peterson.

  • Carol A Johnson. Allentown, PA, I have never seen such bravery, dedication and love. God bless you all.

  • Peggy M. Our prays and thought are with you all. Always look for God he will show you the way.

  • Kyra Povirk, Salmon, Idaho, Linda Povirk, Orange, CA, Kurt Povirk, Arcata, CA. May we exemplify the courage of your loved ones in our own lives. Our family originated in Pittsburg.



  • Ginny ad Russ Bumback and family, Manahawkin, NJ. Flight 93, thank you for giving us the lives of our loved ones, we will never forget you!

  • Lori Lane. Shrewbury, New Jersey

  • Jennifer O'Connor. San Diego, CA

  • David S. Maltby, Jr.. May the leaders of our nation match the courage of the passengers of Flight 93.

  • John Reed. Thank you. May your example inspire generations more Americans.

  • Wayne K. Austin.

  • Rev. Daniel J. Klug. Your family members did not die in vain. They are patriots in the purist sense of the word.

  • Tiel T. Jackson. "For lo, they call me to Valhalla, where the brave may live forever."

  • Norm Stewart. Katy, TX - may we never forget those who sacrificed for those who live on.

  • Julie Majeres. Every one of you amaze and inspire me and the rest of the world.

  • Gordon Jones. They gave their lives, so that others could live. There is no greater definition of courage.

  • J. Copeland. May God Bless You! Thank you for your fight for innocent lives.

  • Ron K., College Professor, Loyola University Chicago. We are all proud of the people on that flight.

  • Jenny Hendrickson. God Bless You

  • Alan Hodgson. London

  • Stuart Grant. Your heroism cannot be measured. Your courage will never be forgotten. Rest in Peace.

  • Jim in Phoenix. America still does make heroes. We can all be proud!

  • Don Kisselbach Phoenix, Az. Your actions will not be forgotten! Enjoy your well deserved place in heaven.

  • Laura. I weep with you and thank you with all my heart. Bless you!

  • The Kid. "Let's roll" - You will never be forgotten

  • Balaram Krishna. GOD Bless You

  • Tammy. St. Louis, MO - God Bless You-

  • Anthony Citrano. Portland, Maine -- Thanks for fighting back

  • anonymous. Mother of a United Flight Attendent from New Jersey. God Bless You All!

  • Linda Bowles-Job. May God be with you and Yours (retired RN) Portland Oregon

  • Kevin O'Connell. We'll Never Forget!

  • Terry. My Heart is with you all.

  • alice. tike to god

  • The Teeters Family. J.T.-Deputy Sheriff, A.T.-EMT/Fire Dept. Dispatcher, P.J-AirForce JROTC. God Bless CeCe Ross!

  • Brenda Pinnell. Ohio.

  • J.B. Bailey. These heroes are an inspiration not only to all Americans, but to all humanity.

  • Kathy Walsh. God bless you for risking your lives.

  • glenn & kate hendrickson. Your loss is greater than we can imagine and we are praying for you.

  • oren.

  • John Mark. Goodyear, Arizona - Flight 93 was our first example of fighting back against terror. Thank you

  • Sophia L Smith.

  • David Richardson. "Remember Flight #93" = "Remember the Alamo" Going Forward

  • Willow. Oregon - You are true heroes. With all my gratitude and love!

  • Felice. My thoughts and prayers are with the families -- god bless you and your heroes!

  • kim mcgehee.

  • Sam, Devona & Delia Booker.

  • Monica M. Ramos. Chula Vista, CA - GOD bless America, and protect us all. You are all in our prayers.

  • Thank You. Barb. To give your life for your country is to give your life for all of us to be free!

  • Tonna Flachbart. TN is praying for you all

  • Suzanne Delaney. New York City

  • Sophia Pitcock. Cat Spring, Tx. God Bless these heroes and their families. You will always be remembered.

  • Rosa & Joel Beltran, Grandview, WA. You are the definition of courage. We thank you from our hearts.

  • Stephani Harmon. Thank you for your strength and love for your fellow citizens.

  • Annamarie Rempfer-Brown and Rachel Brown. The heroism demostrated here has defined that which we, as Americans, all strive to be.


  • Caroline McTague.

  • Christy. House-wife in MS

  • Dan Carey. I am proud of these people who fought to prevent even greater tragedy.

  • shirley shevlin.

  • charlene payton.

  • Erin Tomey. Thank you is not enough, we love you, God bless you and your families. You are all HEROES.

  • Waldorf Senior Center participants and staff. God Bless each and every one of you and your families.

  • Lynn. Courage: you had it. Thank you.

  • Debbie, Dave & Alison. Thank you.

  • Marianne Gaskill, New Jersey. Thank you and may God Bless you and your families

  • Paul McKnight. Pearce, Arizona

  • Deborah and Clifford Geyer. San Francisco, California

  • Anders Reinfeldt. Sweden

  • bob chippeux.

  • jason cash. oak lawn illinois

  • Alvin Ng. Singapore

  • anthony norman. union carpenter- boston MA

  • Wayne Chapeskie. Victoria, BC, Canada

  • R. E. Jenkins. It's good to know that there are still REAL heroes!

  • Barbara Nastos. God bless you all

  • Amanda Bedwell. Law Student, MN - Our lives were changed forever on 9/11. Have no fear, however, the Lord is here.

  • Laura Hagenbuch. Wailuku, Hawaii USA

  • Linda Haddock, San Diego CA. We Will Never Forget!

  • anonymous. Your Sacrifice saved many. Those who caused it will be brought to JUSTICE, one way or t'other!

  • Ted, Kim, Aaron & Austin Boesch. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!!

  • Amelia Nelson, Chicago. I am so proud of each of you. My overwhelming respect to the familes of all on flight 93.

  • Ruth from Nebraska. We appreciate it more than we can ever express.

  • Jeffrey & Carolyn Geiger. Your courage, your decisiveness, your choice of life make you our heroes, indeed. Thank you!

  • Ryan, Texas. Everyone who is an American should have the same courage as you. I will be beside any patriot.

  • Tanya. Austin, Texas

  • Herb. Retired ... Thanks to all the heroes.

  • you are gods angels now you once was ours. ANGIE.S

  • Norman Gaskill. Words can not express their heroism, they make me proud to be an American.

  • Bruce Oliphant. Great things are accomplished by ordinary people. These 44 people were extraordinary. Thank you.

  • Angie Witt, Kyle Britton. Dayton OH. May your courage shine as a beacon for us all in the dark days ahead.

  • Barbara West. Your courage and heroism have been a shining light in our country's darkest day. Thank you.

  • j h woelper. monkton md. Peace.

  • Elizabeth M. RaucciOuma. Ephesians 6:11-18

  • Karen E. Rejician. Allentown, PA USA. Thank you ... prayers to all families and friends ... how proud I am of bravery.

  • Henry Haller. Pittsburgh, Pa.

  • Laura G. Cook. College student, University of Southern Mississippi, Gulf Coast, Pascagoula, MS. God bless the hero.

  • Justin, Williamsport PA. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one. My God bless these brave souls.

  • Martha Jo Coleman. Coleman, Texas. God Bless each & everyone of those who died for us, and the ones they left behind.

  • Catherine Ozbun. God bless you and keep you. You will not be forgotten.

  • Linda, Kyra, Kurt Povirk. We know the Pittsburgh are well and know their thoughts are with you. Your friends, family members.

  • Lori Lane. Shrewsbury, NJ

  • carol polowczuk. phil.,pa. god bless everyone, and watch over us

  • Les, Rhonda, Tyler, & Cara Edwards - Shreveport, LA. Ours prayers are for this fine country and its fine people.

  • The Grisewood Family.

  • Bill Blazer. Selfless acts of service; may God be with them and their families.

Note: Inappropriate entries may be removed.

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