United Heroes

On September 11, 2001 the world witnessed one of the most horrific criminal acts in human history.

We lost many great people that day, and many people exhibited great heroism. Other important memorials are being created to honor these heroes. This memorial is devoted specifically to the people of United Flight 93 who courageously took control of their destiny and stopped the terrorists from using their plane as another weapon.

Please help us remember these 44 individuals and what they did for us.

  • Herb. Retired ... thanks to all the Heroes

  • Orville Seymer. I am proud to know that we still have "Great Americans" living in this country.

  • Randy Boyer, grateful citizen. You behaved courageously and unselfishly in our country's hour of need. Thank you

  • jbfalaska. Air Force Member

  • Rita Stout. Materials Manager, Indiana

  • Bernice Welch. Sacramento, California

  • John Kenneth Unferth. They did what we all hope we would have the courage to do.

  • Shannon Gamble. Waco, Texas .... Words fail ... may God hold you in his sweet embrace

  • ljs. sheboygan. wi. God bless you!

  • vll. houston, tx. keep the faith

  • Georgia Ana Larson. The courage of your loved ones is a moral challenge for all the rest of us. God bless you!

  • sandrar. thank you very much

  • P. Duda and Family. May our Lord hold you in the comfort of His arms at this difficult time.

  • P. Murphy & Family, North Carolina.

  • Dennis Wesley. You knew what had to be done and you accomplished it with the ultimate sacrifice, we thank you.

  • The Homman Family. Walton, KY

  • Tiger Lily. Great men are created when ordinary men are forced by circumstances to meet great challenges.

  • Tim Gwilt. These people were true American Patriots!

  • The Courtney Family. Las Vegas NV. May we all be worthy of the sacrifice you gave for us. God Bless You All.

  • Hans Wienhold. Hamilton, Ontario

  • J Turnbull. New Jersey

  • megan. "In god we trust"

  • Al Cors.

  • Beverly Henrichon. Englewood, Florida

  • Tiffany P.. I live in Bradford Pa. Everyone will be remembered for this! Thank u everyone or ur help!

  • Madeline Morrill. Illinois - Tremendous courage from those who refused to "go quietly." Our thoughts are with you.

  • Yuri Artibise. Ottawa, Canada -- We will not forget

  • Gail Hughes. Their courage will never be forgotten.

  • The Marchesi Family. Hood River, Oregon

  • Lisa C. Bookstein. Mill Valley, CA

  • Barbara Jean Wolfe. You are all in my "prayers", and may God Bless and Be With You All. (From KY).

  • Liz Trainor. Thank you for your courage!

  • Lucas Clemente.

  • Marlene M. Freed. We will never forget.

  • Dave B.. Crystal Lake IL

  • Cindy and Grey Hunt. Newport Beach, CA (originally from Brooklyn)

  • Kathie Whitehouse. God Bless you and thank for your loved one's courage.

  • Karen Cummings. My heartfelt sadness and sympathy to those lost in this vicious act. May God Bless all of you!

  • Arvid in Kansas. All Americans are responsible for law enforcement. Permit it, don't fear it.

  • Tina Stuart. God Bless You!!

  • Donald E. Clem. Brave citizens who gave their lives to save others. Long may the memory reside in our hearts.

  • Robert Keller. Contractor Madison,Tn.

  • Roger Paris. No greater love of a man to lay his life down for another ...

  • rusty morris. chipley, florida. they died with honor and bravery, the best of the american spirit!

  • Candida Royalle. film-maker, NY, NY. How reassuring to know there are people like you. I only hope I can be so brave.

  • BM2 (DV) Ball USN. Words cant express my gratitude.

  • James J. Kastelz. You showed the world what the American Character truly is. Thank you.

  • Heather Walker. You are truly heroes. Thank you.

  • Halli Stone. These people were heroes, the likes of which our nation hasn't seen for a long, long time.

  • Arthur J. Le Blanc. Groton, Connecticut

  • Susan Frey. Proud American


  • Julie & Family. Accts Receivable, West Coast

  • Chris McKenzie. SC, Thank you for acting the way the US should act now against all terrorist-nations everywhere.

  • Christine Hamilton. Toronto, ON

  • mark t pollock. dallas ,TX

  • Tracie Jo Hanchett. American Airlines Reservations Agent, Tucson, AZ

  • PJ Murray, Pittsburgh. True patriots to the end. To those great Americans who saved so many, we will not forget-Godspeed.

  • Sue Withers. Richmond, VA. God bless you

  • Mike Tousignant. I will remember.

  • Susan Riezinger. Your courage overwhelms me!

  • Lynda and Larry Stahl. Our warmest thoughts are with you and your families and we believe that the courage of your loved ones.

  • Gerald & Sharon Jones and Family. God Bless all of you. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the families that lost a loved one.

  • Jon. a grateful nation honors your loved ones ... and you

  • Dianna/Missouri. para-professional/God was with you then and he his with you now!

  • Rev. Fields. and family

  • Laura. God Bless all of you.


  • Sharon Hicks, Lincoln County Sheriff's Office, MT. We proudly wear the blue ribbons in support of our heroes.

  • Linda, Florida. Thanks to our Heroes for their ultimate sacrifice. God will bless each of you & your families.

  • Marlana Kendall. Though their lives were lost, they remain with us in our minds as a symbol of courage and pride.

  • Aaron Kendall. Their deaths should never have even happened, but at least they decided how it would end.

  • Margaret Ricard. Milwaukkee, WI ... "You can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives you strenghth" ...

  • Rev Duane Marshall - Missouri.

  • Kristi King - Texas. Thank you all, you are heroes and I know you are all in heaven now with special crowns of glory!

  • Dwight Jordan & Family. Ohio. All our prayers are with the families of the brave HEROES on Flight 93.

  • Eric S. Harris. St. Louis, Missouri

  • Theresa B. Indianapolis, IN

  • Kimi, Kansas City. God Bless this planet, especially the USA

  • Barbara Schultz & Family. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! Our hearts go out to you all in this time of need ... B.S

  • pnina capon sohezki. israel

  • G C. Very brave people, never to be forgotten

  • Mary Babcock.

  • Paula Newman. Columbus, OH

  • Nima.

  • William G. Hartwell. Student, New Mexico State University

  • Judy.

  • Thank You Very Much, Love, Rick Mammana and Family PA.

  • Tammy & Lexie ,IL. God Bless You All

  • Anonymous.

  • Karen and Deleon Thomas and sons. Daphne, Alabama ... God Bless You All

  • Randy Hulin. May we all be blessed with unselfishness, and morality to make such a sacrifice if needed. God Bless

  • maryam jafai. thank you sooo ... much! 3 maryam CA (student)

  • Anna. Louisiana. My daily prayers include you and your loved ones left behind.

  • colby. in louisiana ... great job

  • Nowriz Zakaev. Sacrifice of the few, to save the many, may god bless you and the love ones you leave behind

  • corey midgett.

  • Kate McFadden. biologist, New York

  • anonymous. Being still in high school this thing is almost unreal. We watched it and it so unreal!

  • Helen Hobbs. With much appreciation and gratitude, thank you

  • Keith Lofstrom, OR. May we all find such strength and love when our test comes.

  • Roxie Carroll. May God grant their families equal amounts of courage and comfort.

  • George F. Viamontes. Sacrificing yourselves to save the lives of others is the greatest gift anyone can give.

  • Michael Haag. Malden, MA - Thank you, and bless your families.

  • Wendy Roberts. God Bless Us One And All, Thanks for all of your courage!

  • DM Stratowski. We will never forget. Words cannot express our thanks.

  • Adam Armstrong. college student, Oxford, OH

  • The O'Leary Family. Cincinnati, OH

  • Sherry Davis.

  • Rose Ritter. Pittsburgh,PA

  • S�var Gu�mundsson. Reykjavik, Iceland

  • Alene Murray. God bless you and your families that gave the ultimate gift to America. Thank you.

  • Peter Cresswell. Architect, Auckland, New Zealand.

  • Jamie Watts. Tampa, Fl.- Thanks just doesn't seem like enough for the price each of you paid for us.

  • Jack Metzel. exceptional bravery!

  • Melissa Johnson. Teacher, Tacoma, WA - Your losses have been our gift, thank you, and God bless.

  • William S. Whitehouse. Berkley, MI - [email protected] - http://www.Whitehouses.Com - Remember the brave souls.

  • Debra S.. USA- we will not forget you

  • Ernie & Ernie Jr. Buterbaugh. God bless America and all the heroes.

  • Yuri Artibise.

  • Kathryn L. Egeland. America will cry.

  • The Marchsi Family.

  • Sheri D. Canada. We will never forget your courage. God bless you all.

  • Frank Vitello. Washington, DC

  • SSG Stephen D. Wiench. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; Thanks!

  • Karen Johnston, Bloomington, Indiana. All Americans Will Remember You All As Heroes Who Stopped Yet Another Act of Terrorism by Evil Ones.

  • Brad in Kansas. Your courage saved many many lives. Thank you from a grateful nation.

  • Gaye E. Barnett-Melton, Wichita, KS. He has called home some of his finest ...

  • Mike & Isaac. See - America IS the home of the brave!

  • Scottens and Petersens. Thank You, You're ALL HEROES!

  • Gilbert Harris. Blessings to you and yours always and forever.

  • Ron Wilson. Your courage will not be forgotten

  • Judy Geyer. Ins Rep, Ca. God Bless You All

  • Robert Keller. Contractor. Madison, Tn.

  • Kristyne and Skye Mednick. Seattle, WA

  • Dena Cornett. Mill Valley, CA

  • The Maynard Family. We Thank all those who gave their lives so unselfishly for our great nation....

  • Dick Shaw. Memphis, TN

  • Sherry Fanning. you gave your life to spare others. thank you

  • Joe Eldred. President and Founder, God Bless America

  • R. Friedland.

  • Kyle McGrath. Legislative advisor, Lansing, MI

  • Mike Ingham. Ottawa, Canada

  • Kelly - Missouri. May God Bless and Keep Your Families in His Care.

  • Sheila. PA, You've watched over all of us. Thank You! May God watch over your families.

  • Cindy Trask, DeSoto, MO. Your families can take comfort in the fact that each of you was a hero. God bless you all!

  • Kelly A Geyer.

  • Robert Broda. Lansing Mi. Much Thanks for your brave acts

  • O'Clair Alexander. Individuals can make a difference when the connection is based on love.

  • T.W. and Marlane McGarry. so much to so few

  • J. J. Taylor. You are the type of people who made America strong.

  • Teri Cundiff. Accountant, Portland, Oregon

  • Larry & Judy Pierson. Your heroism and sacrifices will not be forgotten.

  • Lynda & Larry Stahl of Maryland. Our warmest thoughts are with you and we hope that the courage of your loved ones is a comfort

  • Ray, Edwina, & Kristen Schweitzer. Rockledge, FL. Thank You doesn't seem to say enough.

  • Angie Wills. Valdosta, GA. May God be will you all. You are in my prayers

  • Christine Stone. Atlanta, GA

  • Mike Rathbun. If only more Americans had your sense of duty and self worth.

  • Phil King. A bunch of "Don't Tread On Me" Americans!--Thank you from Butte Montana

  • Jean Collins.

  • Candy & Chuck Cox. Office Administrator from the Boeing Company

  • Susan Pelland. Upton, Massachusetts

  • pat. God watch over you

  • Eric Thompson, Kansas City. I only wish that 'Thank you' was enough.

  • Connie Moss. Thank you for your courage. God bless you.

  • Connie Nance. Sanford, FL

  • Jason Brennan. Courage is pride and virtue in action. Thank you.

  • B Stephens. Thank you for your courage

  • C Long. Virginia ... Sorry, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • Billie-Lee. Registered Nurse, Director of Nursing & Patient Care.

  • Kim B Binghamton, NY.

  • Jenny Baker Almond, NY.

  • Kellie D.. Binghamton, NY

  • Pat and Bob Vanderway. God Bless You All

  • Casey DeFalco. God Bless you all! We share in your pain! Case DeFalco & sons--NJ

  • Nima.

  • rajeev kumar. God bless america and india

Note: Inappropriate entries may be removed.

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