United Heroes

On September 11, 2001 the world witnessed one of the most horrific criminal acts in human history.

We lost many great people that day, and many people exhibited great heroism. Other important memorials are being created to honor these heroes. This memorial is devoted specifically to the people of United Flight 93 who courageously took control of their destiny and stopped the terrorists from using their plane as another weapon.

Please help us remember these 44 individuals and what they did for us.

  • Cary Haerlin. Your family members and friends acted like true Americans defending their families and homeland.

  • Girardi family, in between Clev/Pitts. America sends their love, for the sacred gift that saved so many lives!

  • Alex and Yoly Solis - Barisoff. Heavenly Father, I know that these folks are with you in paradise. We will pray for their loved ones.

  • Drew. Thank you and God bless your families.

  • Brian Talbot. I can only pray that I would have as much courage as you did that. I hope to see you in Heaven.

  • Jenny Callaghan. I will never forget your family members. Thank You to each one of them.

  • Erica Clark. We trust that those who are gone in body are watching over us as Angels as we enlighten in Unity!

  • AF & DA Crosby. You are all in our prayers. God loves you all.

  • Karen ... New Jersey.

  • r. geyer.

  • Bobbie Mack. If i was in their place, i pray I could have done the same.

  • The Gray Family. Grand Ledge, Michigan

  • Lynn. Lynn-Salem, OR -- These brave souls will live on as Angels. God Bless the families!

  • Scott S. Gainesville, Florida. The Flight 93 Heroic actions will never be forgotten. God Bless Them All.

  • mjam. New Jersey. I will live my life in your honor. Thank you.

  • Jim & Betty Smith. We live 5 minutes airspace time from the crash site. Your family and friends will not be forgotten!

  • Alison C.. We shall never forget you. You are an inspiration to us all.

  • Wendy O'Sullivan. My prayers are with you; your loved ones have helped save many lives. May they be richly rewarded.

  • T.J.. May The Lord Be With You

  • The Anderson Family. Kansas City, MO. We should all be so brave.

  • Vicki. Kissimmee, Fl

  • Cheyenne Rose. Seattle. Thank you and God Bless all the families.

  • John & Phyllis. We are both U.S. Navy veterans and we salute you.

  • kenneth a. noga sr.. vietnam veteran. uniontown, pa.

  • breezy.

  • John C. Dachroeden. What an Unselfish, Loving, Heroic Act, God Bless You All.

  • Donna S. Walls. Your loved one died saving many for that we are all greatful

  • Bam Bam. Coach/Teacher

  • Scott D Patrick. Student 10th, Cypress, TX, I heard the story of Tod Beamer, that is the most heroic thing I have ever heard.

  • Brenda Arney. My prayers go out to the families who lost loved ones on flight 93.

  • Guy Alexander. These men made the ultimate sacrifice for Freedom. God Bless the Families!

  • Traci L. Odom. Your loved ones believed in the protection of our freedom. Thank you. I will never forget.

  • Arleen Greenwood. Peace and love to all of you! fr. NJ

  • John Markley.

  • Sharon L. Raffo. There are no truer heroes than these.

  • B. Williams. Angels on Earth, now angels in heaven. God Bless them and their families.

  • Nathaniel C. Scotten V. Crofton, Maryland

  • The Green Family. Las Vegas, Nevada 89142

  • Nicole. Virginia. God Bless you all!

  • Karl W. Langley. May Jesus come to comfort and may YOU realize that you have the support of the entire Nation!

  • John & Alice Sousa. East Providence RI

  • Dick & Kitty.

  • Mary from New York. God Bless you, You are true Heroes.

  • Laura from Louisiana. God Bless You

  • Darryl Gibson. God bless you, and all our brothers and sisters in the unorganized militia.

  • Lee Owens.

  • Eric Powell. Supervisor-Illinois

  • CARLOS de MELLO. Phptographer

  • Janmarie Crabbe. Thank you! You are the heroes of 911.

  • W. Scott Meeks. RI


  • Barbara Shuey. God bless them and their families.

  • Juliette Pool.

  • Stephen Robbins.

  • Debby Franklin. THANK YOU!

  • Steve Florman. Financial Services - Minneapolis, Minnesota. God be with you all


  • Rick Salyer (Sarge). Platoon Sergeant, US Army

  • Wendi Czirr. you all are the greatest!

  • Amy Schaefer. Your bravery will not be forgotten.

  • John and Chris McCall. God Bless you all...

  • dickel. Your bravery has earned your place in Heaven

  • Mary Paule. I thank them for their bravery.

  • gr. God bless these people (heroes)

  • Bruce Perry. I am truly inspired. Real people ... extraordinary courage. Come on America ... "Let's Roll!"

  • Cristina Smith. May GOD wipe away all your tears! You will be remembered!

  • Michael Spivey, Ontario Calif -- Thank God the American Minute Men still exist. I would have gladly stood beside them and called them Brother!

  • The Fuentes Famil -- Pennsylvania. To The Children: Always be proud, your daddies are heroes.

  • Lou Apa. God Bless You All !!! ... Sanford, North Carolina

  • Mia Jackson. I pray for the families of Flight 93 and I recognized them as great heroes. Washington, DC

  • Tom L.. Albany NY. I pray there is a space in heaven for all.

  • Ed Lent. Even though the politicians disarmed you, you fought back. Thank you.

  • T. J. Funk. PA. Oh that one day I might be worthy of standing with them. Thank you all.

  • Don Anderson. High School Teacher, Fisher, IL

  • Tim Lawrence. Freedom has rung. Thanks, for your loss is the world's gain.

  • Libbi K.. Topeka, Ks

  • JOEL PESKOFF. I would have been proud to know him.

  • Mrs. Marianne Brazell, Utah. They exemplified greater love by laying down their lives for us. God bless them forever!

  • Jeni Bradburn. God Bless You!!

  • Mrs. Marianne Brazell. In John 15: 13 we read, Greater love hath no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends

  • J.D.& Debbie & Chelsea & Austin. God, Has seen the kindness of all. And I feel them SMILE! God Bless You All

  • Jodi Odden. God Bless all of you

  • John Robinson. Remember Flight 93! We should all be as brave. And I think we are ...

  • Don Hanson, Ohio. Webster says: Hero - any person admired for their courage, nobility or exploits, especially in war.

  • The Saulsgivers. No honor could be great enough for the sacrifice that these freedom fighters have given to us.

  • The associates at Southern Belle Carpet in Indianapolis, IN. Some people are american only in mind. These 44 were American in mind, body and soul. Thank God.

  • Marvin Newcomb. Perhaps they would agree if the pilots and citizens were armed this would not of happened.

  • Sean Kiluk. Student - UC Berkeley

  • Mr. & Mrs. S. Shehorn & Family. Our thoughts and prayors are with you.

  • Sandy and Jimmy De Laughter. Our prayers are for the United States of America. Teacher for the U. S. Department of Defense

  • Nikki. May God be with you in your grief and may their heroism console you

  • Jodi L. Turner. Lincoln, NE. Thank you so much for your family members, I was at the Capitol the day of the event!

  • Mondo. My prayers are with all of you, God Bless

  • Mr.& Mrs. George R Stolp. Avon, Illinois.

  • Melissa Gerstel. Student in NY. All the Cosmic Love.

  • sundae. we will never forget what they did for everyone god bless all the families of those who died in this.

  • Mary L. Miller. I am a Customer Service Agent for America West Airlines in San Diego. God bless all of our heroes!

  • Howard & Yvonne Moore. Reliv-Retired GM & USPS-Dayton,Ohio

  • Jacki Schmick. Thank You! You will always be remembered!

  • anonymous. learning specialist

  • Todd and Jo Anna Darnell. You are the embodiment of all things good and honorable. The nation owes you its highest honors.

  • Gene Boyett /Minister. May God Give you that Peace that surpasses all understanding.

  • A. Rannebarger. St. Louis, Mo. Your Family and Friends were proud and strong and now they left all of us to carry on.

  • Bergman Family. Our sympathy to you from an American Airlines employee and family.

  • Erwin G, St. Croix, Virgin Islands. God bless these brave souls who sacrificed all to save others.

  • Theresa Lambert. God bless you and comfort you.

  • Jerry Bell. May your loved ones be in a better place.

  • Cara Starling. Bless you for your bravery and courage to defend so many when faced with fear in front of evil.

  • Barry. NYC. You are all brave Americans .... May your names always be remembered

  • Scott william @ Charlene.

  • Russell C. Fennick. True patriots defending freedom. Rest in peace, minutemen.

  • Steve Greenwood. So sorry

  • Debra Long. RN, Miami, Florida

  • Lori Morgan - their bravery will be remembered forever!.

  • Reb Blanchard - Uxbridge, MA. As hard as it may be, you should all be very proud. God Bless America

  • Chuck Patrick.

  • Suzanne Patrick. Teacher, Cypress, Texas. These exemplify the best of America. We shall not forget them.

  • karin b. san diego, ca

  • holliace spencer. god bless you

  • Karen Underwood. What an unbelievable act of courage!

  • Shari from West Virginia. May GOD bless each of you and bring you his true peace.


  • Trela Wagner. It took will power to look death in the face, and say if I have to, it'll be my way, and not yours.

  • Friend. You are in our prayers, bless you.

  • Kathy Gillock. Warehouse worker, they fought for us, for their family, their country, and freedom, they are heroes!


  • Jeff, Joyce, Tyler and McKenzie Danner. Your loved ones will never be forgotten. Our prayers and thoughts are with you forever.

  • Sally Kohut.

  • Richard Feeney. May God Bless you and the Heroes on that Flight

  • Nancy from Maryland. They made the ultimate sacrifice, so others might live. God bless you and grant you peace.

  • Ruth. Thank you

  • Lora. To the passengers' families: they were truly selfless and true heroes to every american. Thank you!

  • Shirley from Florida. God be with you for your courage.

  • Mary. God Bless you, You are true Heroes

  • Laura. God be with you.

  • peter jonsson. sweden

  • Diane Burlingame. Thank you for your supreme sacrifice and I know your souls rest with God.

  • Paul Daniels. Mechanical Design Engineer, Phoenix AZ. You do not grieve alone.

  • Christina Dickinson & Family. My heart aches for your loss. Every tear I shed, is for you, and the others who should be here.

  • Mike Teague. These were the REAL heroes, acting above and beyond the call of duty.

  • Rich Roksiewicz, Baltimore, Md.. "True Patriots All" ...

  • William Smith. Firefighter, Indiana

  • Melton Brown.

  • Billy Van Ness. May Your Bravery be Forever in our minds. Let justice prevail.

  • Linda Van Ness. God Bless You and Keep You to watch over us all. Thank you for the unselfish acts of bravery.

  • DR Westlake. These people deserve to be honored with justice. It shall be done.

  • Andrea Wasson. Admiring the glow of each passanger's bravery and the shadow it casts on the cowards you took down.

  • josephine. I wish we were all so brave as them.

  • Dan IIII. They will always be in our prayers.

  • Artis Allen MSgt. Thanks

  • Michele Chandler. God bless these heroes - God bless America

  • Debra Escherich.

  • Charles Thompson. USAF Retired

  • James Scurlock. Seattle, WA

  • William J. Underwood. California

  • Scott Osborn. Atlanta GA. For all of our tommorrows, you gave your today. Thank you.

  • Brenda Fuller. God bless and keep you! From a Texas teacher

  • Diane Robinson, Bolivar, PA. Thank You!

  • Tom L.. Albany NY. I pray there is a space in heaven for all.

  • Mark, Shelia, Stephanie, Jennifer, Heidi, Melissa, Robin, Joel, Charlie, Nathan, Sarah. From Alaska: Their courage is heart felt by everyone and will be remembered for times to come.

  • Roy Tally. Information Technology Specialist, St. Paul, Minnesota "May the Lord comfort and keep you."

  • Loraine Friedman, Miami, FL. Not all heroes wear uniforms. Your loved one did not die in vain. There is a special place in heaven.

  • Rebecca Kellerman.

  • Cathy Harrington, Ownsboro, Kentucky. No words can ease the pain you are feeling but rest assured that they are with God now.

  • Bob Baker. Alfred, New York **Praying for God to minister to you.

  • Rose Mead.

  • Mrs. Marianne Brazell, Utah. They exemplified greater love by laying down their lives for us. God bless them forever!

  • Ian Milne. Contractor, Nelson, BC, Canada. You will live forever in my heart. Shine on.

  • Bruce Sklar. Human Factors Engineer, Sterling, VA

  • Julia Herriott. My heart is with you all - God Bless all of you.


  • anonymous.

  • Penny Triggs. I am from Canada and appreciate the brave efforts of the men/women on Flight 93.

  • Bill McCuddy in Ohio. These first soldiers of our new war all deserve the Medal of Honor.

  • Catherine in Richmond. I'm sure I could not have been so brave!

  • The Kuhn Family, CT. Your COURAGE in the face of TERROR will not be forgotten!

  • R. Hydro, Virginia. God Bless you and Thank You

  • rrodek. NYC

  • khalil Ahmad. We have to fight against the terrorists to save this world. We are one in this fight.

  • Jason Roth. They were heroes because they chose to live for their values, rather than sacrifice them.

Note: Inappropriate entries may be removed.

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