United Heroes

On September 11, 2001 the world witnessed one of the most horrific criminal acts in human history.

We lost many great people that day, and many people exhibited great heroism. Other important memorials are being created to honor these heroes. This memorial is devoted specifically to the people of United Flight 93 who courageously took control of their destiny and stopped the terrorists from using their plane as another weapon.

Please help us remember these 44 individuals and what they did for us.

  • M W Wilcox. God Speed.

  • Delina Papa. Student: Ohio

  • Jodie Seward. Middle School Teacher, Georgia: God Bless and Thank You!

  • Vicky Alf. Administrative Assistant

  • Amanda - Republic, MO. May God bless each and every one of you.

  • Kelly Siekerman. Proud that you were Americans with BACKBONE.

  • Jeff. Thanks.

  • Terrie. Self-employed, construction, Grants Pass, OR

  • Sandy. Thank you

  • Linda Schenck. Riverside, Ca. God Bless You All!

  • Larry Kloth. Out of the horror and the unspeakable tragedy. Chicago, Illinois

  • GARY. Sportsman

  • David Morris. God Bless the people and families of those on flight 93.

  • Andrew. Your strength is a model for us all. Rest in peace.

  • Kelli Coleman. Thanks for fighting back. They probably saved a thousand more lives! You should be very proud!

  • G. Graham, Mesa, AZ. May God bless and keep the familes of those whose courage and love of country gave their life for us.

  • JMC, Cincinnati. You are true American heroes. Thank you for your courage.

  • Jody Wood. Jr. High Computer Teacher

  • Linda Halterman. Receptionist @ Church World Service, Elkhart, IN. Thank you will never cover our gratitude!

  • Karen Sova, CA. Peace be with You! Your courage and honor live on. God Bless flight 93.

  • jim.

  • Samuel Paul. Kansas City

  • Joan Gilmore. You can be proud of their great courage. God bless you!

  • Donald Ayres. Flippin, AR. True American Patriots

  • Jack Hoying. Ohio, Thank you!

  • Johan de Leeuw, Amsterdam Holland. Those passengers on flight #93 are super heroes by giving their lives to save others.

  • Daniel Silva. Miami, FL.

  • Dan Walker. I'm very sorry this happened to your family. We will get the people that did it.

  • Robin Moffitt. May God be with you.

  • Susan Alexandratos. Your heroism will never be forgotten!

  • Myra Puleo. Noone knows what your going through, but be assured - we all feel your pain. Let the Lord comfort.

  • Lisa Hritcko. The bravery will never be forgotten. God Bless your families

  • Ed from a grateful NY.

  • Charles & Vickie Blair.

  • Eric & Holly Chatfield. Abilene, Texas

  • anonymous. THANK YOU!

  • The Pillot Family. Bellefonte, PA

  • shakera belton. north carolina

  • F. Lykins.


  • Robert.

  • Mark Ewing. UK

  • Merrill Gibson. Your relative's bravery is the kind of inspiration we all need in this trying time.

  • Claire Zeman. West Haven, CT. "Thank You From the Bottom of My Heart"

  • John A. Moseley. The World is blessed by their selfless and heroic example of citizenship.

  • Marilyn Williams. Fort Worth, TX

  • David Wilkins. May you be memorialized!

  • Jose A. Baez, Atlanta, Georgia. Thank You!

  • The Yezierski Family. Scottsdale, Arizona

  • Brian H. Calhan. Noblest heroes of all time

  • Michelle. God bless

  • SLS. No greater love has any man than he who lays down his life for his fellow man. Thank you.

  • Shannon J. Odelberg. Salt Lake City, UT

  • Anonymous Captain, US Navy (retired). Although these brave passengers died, they won the first battle in our war against terrorism.

  • Dale Nick, New Hope, MN. Your family members are HEROES. I can only hope if put in a similar situation I will perform the same.

  • Todd Cooper & family, Puxico, Mo. They're safe now in our Lord Jesus' hands.

  • Doug Carlton, Marysville WA. Your heroism has inspired me! May God be graceful to your friends and families who grieve now.

  • singleton's in kennett missouri. may God be with us all

  • keri cobble. GOD BLESS YOU

  • christopher g schultz. auburn, wa. they did what we all hope we would do in the same situation.

  • The Kapp Family. May God Bless all of the families and the victims for their bravery

  • Chicago, IL. God bless all of you for making the ultimate sacrifice - America thanks you!

  • Jeff Rau. The passengers of United #93 were heroes.

  • The Reddeck Family. May G-d bless you all

  • anonymous. deepest sympathy to all the families and friends on flight 44. Thank you for your courageous act.

  • ricstef.

  • mary ann, TEXAS. "Some gave all, all gave some." Heaven holds a special place for those who sacrifice for others!

  • Candace Mead-Mishawaka, IN. God Bless America and each one of you!

  • Vicki Olmsted. You are real Heroes

  • marjorie dailey cowles.

  • Kevin J Keaveny. Thank You

  • Anonymous. May the Lord be with you and give you peace.

  • Sony. I live in Arkansas & Go to a very small public High School. Send Love & respect to US! We need it!

  • FreeUSgraphics.com. What heroism in the time of danger. They gave their lives for our freedom.

  • Janet Leverich. Illinois


  • bob kelly, TSgt, USAF.

  • Rheanell Day. May God be with you in your hour of need.


  • The Greg Goodall Family. Mission Viejo, California

  • MONICA CARRANCO. Thank you. You are the true heros

  • Gloria J. Paules. College instructor; Their sacrifice was not in vain. May God grant their loved ones peace!

  • Pam Elliott, Media, PA. Amazingly brave people. True heroes. Thank you.

  • Juanita. California ... Heroes are made by God and He used several on 9/11

  • M & S Simon. God Bless all of you and yours

  • Chuck, Ohio. True Heroes. Your country is grateful. May God comfort your loved ones.

  • ~Anonymous~ Thanks.

  • JoAnn L., Buffalo NY

  • Jackie, (Pennsylvania).

  • Mike & Marti Flippen. Greensburg, Pa. Thanks is too small a thought.

  • Ann Marie, Cary NC. God bless you,

  • Mary Jackson, Portsmouth NH. My heart goes out to those immediately affected and to everyone in the world, we are strong! GBUSA

  • Carol P., Pennsylvania Bless them for their courage.

  • Howard Weinberg. USAF Retired.

  • The Gavillet's, Illinois. God Bless. They are True Heroes!

  • Nitsuard, NYTimesAbuzz.com. God Bless your selfless and heroic actions.

  • D., God bless you all, in your time of need and comfort.

  • Mike and Linda Blemler. Ipava, Illinois


  • Steven Langner. Bedford Hts., OH. Greater love had no men, even for strangers. God will bless you and yours.

  • Liz W. . Our thoughts and prayers will always be with you....

  • Jeff Naccari.

  • William Frady. God Bless You All

  • Dave in Gilroy. God bless the heroes!

  • Thank you -- Leepeace1.

  • T.D. Viers.

  • Sharon Butcher. Academic Advisor, Western Illinois University.

  • Doug Lewis. Faison, N.C.. Please know that the heroic acts of your loved ones saved many, many American lives.

  • Brenda. Thank you for trying to do so much.

  • Nancy Engott. I live in Pittsburgh, PA. I am truly sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers will be with you.

  • chrys spinetta. MD

  • vicki garcia. what an act of selflessness and courage. i am touched, and my heart goes out to your losses.

  • Cathy Miller. May God be with you always

  • Ryan Fitzek. Thank you is not enough!

  • Murl Phelps and family. U*S*A* all the way

  • Cam Aylesworth.

  • Thomas Rowland. Your actions, far from "sacrifice" are simply the price one sometimes has to pay to stay free.

  • Harold E. Harmon, Sr. May God give you an abundance of grace and strength.

  • Maureen Judd. They will be remembered.

  • Thank You! The Sheppard Family

  • Andrew Pipkin. We thank you for your heroism.

  • The Lomonaco's. Binghamton, NY

  • Leslie. May you be comforted with the knowledge of their great courage and sacrifice.

  • darren terry family. speedway; eternal gratitude

  • Shannon Iles. Cincinnati, OH

  • Kelli L. Webb.


  • Chris Wurth. My hearts cries for you.

  • Dawn Evans. God Be With You All

  • Dianne L Darr and family-Johnstown, PA. THANK YOU. Peace

  • A. Lonidier-North Carolina. Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear NO evil. God Bless!

  • etienne -- Atlanta, GA USA. we take our courage from theirs.

  • T. Moss. Upstate NY

  • Lannie VanDeusen. Your family members will always be remembered.

  • Pamela Youngblood. Senoia, Georgia

  • Jeanie. May God Bless you

  • Paul K. Brubaker, Sr.. Giving your life for others is the greatest show of love.

  • Elke from Germany. Thank you so much. You won't be forgotten.

  • Isabel Gir�o. Lisbon - Portugal.

  • Tammy Shoeman. Altoona, Pa. "THANK-YOU"

  • Millie Rice. Durham, NC

  • Rachel Shelton. South Lake Tahoe - these passengers were the first heros in our "War Against Terrorism." Thank you.

  • zoe chen. from HKG

  • Debbie Gonzales. on behalf of all the citizens from the LandDown Under

  • Chris and Wendy Strohm - Fairway, KS. American Heroes one and all! We owe them a victory ... Let's Roll!

  • John Venter. Vodacom, South Africa - May God strengthen and bless you

  • Dick Wells, Montana. Thanks to the timely actions of members of the unorganized militia, many lives were saved.

  • Marco den Ouden. We Canadians also salute your courage. May your families find peace.

  • Jeff Lee. "GOD's SPEED and may you all be BLESSED"

  • tc. the bravery of true heroes

  • Lynn & Elaine Pipher. Sedan, KS

  • Todd Cooper & family, Puxico, Mo. They're safe now in our Lord Jesus' hands.

  • Lorrie B., Forever grateful

  • Jessica. Iowa City

  • Darlen Bethem. God will praise you all that gave your life on Flight 93

  • Treedy & Lon. Our prayers and thoughts are with everyone. May you find peace with God.

  • Ray C. You're all in my prayers.

  • anthony lewis. i have faith in people again thank u god bless

  • West Virginian. It gives me peace knowing such fine Americans gave their lives so that others may live.

  • Joseph T. Hayes. Adversity both builds and tests character. These Americans passed the test!

  • The Hendelman Family. Thank you for your courage and bravery.

  • anonymous. from the Oregon coast

  • marjorie dailey cowles.

  • Chuck and Erdean. May God be with you.

  • Vi & Gary. Freeville, NY. God Bless all the families of these courageous heroes!

  • ~mandee~.

  • The Economidis Family. God Bless you all.


  • Abernathy's. Illinois (May Peace Be With All)

  • L. Fendel. Thank you

  • Ron and Susan Schroeder. Arlington Heights, Illinois

  • Margaret. God be with you.

  • Johnson Family. Florida. Thank-you and God Bless Us Everyone.

  • Alexander Juarez. JMU Student, Va.

  • Derek G.Rennie. It was not in vain.

  • The Bowen Family. Michigan. forever in our hearts

  • Anna / Ca.. Thank you always.

  • Reagan Goins. God bless you and your family

  • Tammy Rogers, Elementary School Principal, Texas. "United We Stand" - Thank you for showing this.

  • cambodian national. A research student advocating peace and democracy appreciates your bravery. May god be with you.

  • The Spahr Family, Woodbury, MN. There just aren't the right kind of words to express our feelings!

Note: Inappropriate entries may be removed.

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